* Boating
Enjoy a quiet boat ride while admiring the rich geomorphological landscape of the southern coast of São Miguel. Here, in the Lands of Priolo, the valley of Ribeira Quente stands out, bordered by the platform of Ribeira Quente, high cliffs and lush vegetation.
With any luck, besides the breathtaking panoramic views of the coast, you will spot cetaceans, turtles, seabirds, flying fish, among others.
Find out various other available ecotourism adventures.
Azores Ocean Land 
Marina Pero de Teive
9500 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 919 176 275 | 912 806 860
Fax: 296 385 980
Email: geral@azoresoceanland.com
Quinta d`Água
Lagoa das Furnas
9650 Povoação
Tel: 296 629 338 | 919 256 102
Fax: 296 381 337
Email: info@moinhopassal.com
Seazores - Animação Turística, Lda. 
Travessa da Conceição, 6
9500-011 Ponta Delgada
Tel.: 962 812 678
Email: reservas@seazores.pt
Trilhos da Natureza 
Beco da Rua dos Prestes de Cima 1
9500-450 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 919 020 506 | 968 687 473
Email: info@trilhosdanatureza.com
* Canoeing and Playground "Gaivotas"

Lagoa das Furnas has good conditions for canoeing Relax and enjoy a beautiful canoe ride surrounded by the natural beauty of the lake.
At the south bank of the pond you can rent a gaivota (seagull), a small pedal boat that allows to cover the entire surrounding landscape of the caldera. Admire the lake of Furnas from different and unique angles. Pedaling around this great body of water is truly a worthy experience.
Discover the companies that provide such activities.
Picos de Aventura 
Hotel Marina Atlântico
Av. Infante D. Henrique
9500 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 296 283 288
Fax: 296 283 291
Email: geral@picosdeaventura.com
Quinta d´Água
Lagoa das Furnas
9650 Povoação
Tel: 296 594 810 | 919 256 102
Fax: 296 381 337
Email: info@moinhopassal.com
TurisVerde de Daniel Melo 
Rua Pe. José Rebelo Cordeiro, 11
9500-510 Fajã de Cima
Tel: 296 636177 | 915 172 738
Email: turisverde@hotmail.com
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