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<Outubro de 2024>
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Agenda of the Lands of Priolo - October
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Learn more about the important geological heritage of Lands of Priolo, composed by several scientific, educational and tourist points of interest. Volcanoes, boilers, fumarolic fields, thermal waters, coves… are some characteristic features of our geological heritage.

Meet the interpretive services and products promoted by the Azores Geopark, for the implementation of quality geotourism in the Region, closely associated with other aspects of Nature Tourism. Learn more about Azores Geopark | Click here

Discover the geodiversity and geological heritage of the Lands Priolo and in particular its geosites.

* Caldeira do Vulcão das Furnas [SMG1]
The Furnas volcano is a siliceous polygenetic unit, topped by a complex collapsed boiler, of 8 x 5.6 km in diameter, in which deserve special highlight: the lake of Furnas, cones of pumice and slag, tuft rings, domes and various manifestations of secondary volcanism, such as fumarolic fields along the  lake and village of Furnas.  Two historical eruptions are believed to have taken place inside this boiler, the last one in the year 1630 A.D.

These thermal soils are used to cook the famous "cozido das Furnas" and are surrounded by numerous thermal springs of mineral and gaseous carbonic waters - the "hydrological" centre of Furnas, where you can taste the water or  bathe in the lakes and natural pools of hot water, notorious for their therapeutic properties.

* Vale da Ribeira do Faial da Terra e Fajã do Calhau [SMG10]
Ribeira do Faial da Terra divide the volcanic complexes of Povoação and Nordeste. The eastern  part presents the testimonies of the basaltic fissure complex of Nordeste (the oldest of São Miguel, with about 4 Ma), with basaltic slags and countless predominant basaltic veins, while the west  is marked by trachytic domes and  drained lava flows associated with the central volcano of Povoação.

In Vale da ribeira is located the waterfall Salto do Prego and the village of Sanguinho, a small agglomeration of houses, accessible through a walking trail that begins in Faial da Terra. East, lies a detrital fajã -  Fajã do Calhau -  on the foot of a high cliff of over 400m tall, which presents various fissures and a pebble beach on its base.

* Caldeira da Povoação [SMG 11]
The boiler of Povoação is a wide open volcanic depression of the south side, with an average diameter of 6.5 km, regular and smoothed edges, given their older age. The bottom of the boiler, inclined towards the south, is traversed by several major streams, which led to the erosion of trenches and valleys forming more or less developed interfluves between these valleys. These correspond to the well-known  “Lombas of Sete Cidades”: Lomba do Cavaleiro, Lomba do Carro, Lomba do Botão, Lomba do Pomar, Lomba do Loução, Lomba do Alcaide and Lomba dos Pós, from west to east.

In the bed and banks of those streams, including Ribeira do Purgar that runs through the entire village of Povoação, can be observed outcrops of thick ignimbrites, a volcanic rock associated with pyroclastic material issued during very explosive volcanic eruptions. This rock was widely used throughout the island from the beginning of settlement until the middle of last century, known as "pedra de lavoura" (or ornamental stone).

* Pico da Vara e Planalto dos Graminhais [SMG17]
Pico da Vara, with altitude 1105 m, is the highest point on the island of São Miguel and integrates Serra da Tronqueira, a  mountainous relief cut by deep valleys where streams of torrential regime flow (locally called "grotas"), such as Ribeira da Salga, Ribeira do Despe-te-Que-Suas and Ribeira do Guilherme, the most important of this  area. This landscape reflects, the old volcanism of the island of São Miguel, consisting mainly of basaltic lava flows and pyroclastic rocks.

Planalto dos Graminhais rises at an altitude of 900-950 m, along the northern edge of Caldeira da Povoação connecting the flanks. This area is mainly covered by tephra (pumice stones) emitted in siliceous form by the volcanoes of Furnas and Povoação.

* Salto da Farinha [SMG 22]
Ribeira das Coelhas flows on the northern coast of the island of São Miguel, where high and steep cliffs predominate. The lower portion of the stream is separated from the middle section by a waterfall of 40m high.  A pebble beach meets de mouth of the river, whose shores present more or less developed fissures.  The waterfall is called Salto da Farinha; the top is marked by thick drained basaltic lava and the base by a "puddle". The name Salto da Farinha (“flour leap”) was given after the flour grain mill that once existed here.

Follow the access path to the viewpoint and picnic area; you will notice a spheroid disjunction among the basaltic lava flows, testimony  of the  old age of these geological formations found generally east of the island of São Miguel.

* Vale da Ribeira Quente [SMG 24]
The stream Ribeira Quente, born in the Caldera  of Furnas, is fed by numerous tributaries, including hot water ones, such as Ribeira Amarela which flows on the south coast of the island, in the parish of Ribeira Quente. Along this stream there are four mini - hydroplants for electricity production (Tambores, Canario,  Tunel and Foz), with dams and penstocks. Embedded in the valley where Ribeira Quente flows, are several fumaroles and springs of thermal and carbonic waters, contributing to its yellowish color and temperature.

These springs can be seen along the slopes that border the Regional Road at the entrance of the parish or along the seashore, where the beach invites to a refreshing swim.

The towering slopes of the parish bear several scars of quakes, floods and debris – such as the events that marked the early hours of October 31, 1997, causing 29 deaths.  Along the access road to Ribeira Quente, there are several waterfalls and tributaries of the stream, as well as the only two road tunnels  of the island.

If you like to practice geotourism, discover the different activities organized by tourism companies around the geological heritage of the Lands of Priolo.

Marina Pero de Teive Loja A
9500 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 296 628 522 | 967 808 666
Fax: 296 628 524
Email: [email protected]

Geo Fun - Animação Turística Lda.
Avenida Infante D.Henrique
9500-150 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 919 931 562
Fax: 296 098 470
Email: [email protected]
TurisVerde de Daniel Melo
Rua Pe. José Rebelo Cordeiro, 11
9500-510 Fajã de Cima
Tel: 296 636177 | 915 172 738
Email: [email protected]

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