*Nature Reserve & Recreation Park of Viveiro do Nordeste
The proximity to the historical centre of Nordeste and the possibility to use and enjoy fitness equipment, a pleasant picnic area and traditional wood ovens, make this Park into an attractive choice for many visitors.
Right at the entrance of the Nature Reserve & Recreation Park you will find an extensive nursery, and plots divided by Azaleas — which bloom in spring — which is the largest nursery for the production of endemic plants in the Azores. The conditions of this infrastructure also allow visitors to follow the growth of several autochthon and endemic forest species, whose purpose is to promote the recovery of the Azores natural habitats.
Serviço Florestal do Nordeste
Rua do Poceirão s/n
9630 - 171 Nordeste
Tel.: 296 480 570
email: info.sfn@azores.gov.pt
*Nature Reserve and Recreation Park of Cancela do Cinzeiro
The Nature Reserve and Recreation Park of Cancela do Cinzeiro, also known as Park of Pedreira, is located in Pedreira and framed by extensive plots of Japanese Red Cedar and lawns, protected by geometrical hedges.
The collection of several endemic trees for pedagogical purposes, playground, roofed picnic area, rustic golf course, among other attractions, turn this Nature Reserve into a must-see place in Nordeste.
How to get there:
To access the Forest path that leads to Pico Bartolomeu, take the Regional Road nº 1, between Lomba da Pedreira and the village of Nordeste.
Serviço Florestal do Nordeste
Rua do Poceiro
9630-171 Nordeste
Telef: 296480570
Email: info.sfn@azores.gov.pt
* Forest Reserve of Recreio da Fajã do Rodrigo
Covering an area of approximately 1.40 ha, the Nature Reserve & Recreation Park of Fajã do Rodrigo is located between the road Tronqueira Rural and Ribeira do Guilherme (a stream), in Pico da Vara/Ribeira do Guilherme - Zone for Special Protection (ZPE)and plays a very important role in the implementation of pedagogical actions and environment awareness.
The original plots of the old forest nursery where the Reserve is located are still as they used to be, the only difference being they now grow endemic flora. Small plantations of Azorean Blueberry (Vaccinium cilyndraceum), Tree Heath (Erica azorica), Picconia azorica, Portugal Laurel (Prunus azorica), Azorean Buckthorn (Frangula azorica), Holly (Ilex azorica), and Juniper (Juniperus brevifolia) are part of the diversity and exuberance of the surrounding scenery, allowing visitors a direct contact with Nature and, at the same time, the opportunity to enjoy a moment of leisure.
How to get there:
Take the road to Serra da Tronqueira.
Serviço Florestal do Nordeste
Rua do Poceirão s/n
9630 - 171 Nordeste
Tel.: 296 480 570
email: info.sfn@azores.gov.pt
*Nature Reserve & Recreation Park of Água Retorta
The Nature Reserve & Recreation Park of Água Retorta covers an area of 13 ha and is accessible by the regional road connecting Nordeste to Povoação. Besides the regular infrastructures, it displays a remarkably rich botanical heritage composed of several species endemic to the Azores and superb samples of exotic hardwood and softwood trees. Visitors can still enjoy the first and only Natural Camping Site of the island of São Miguel. This pilot project, created according to the concept of environmental sustainability, allows camping in total communion with Nature.
How to get there:
Take the Regional Road nº1 section that connects Povoação to Nordeste, right after the detour to Água Retorta.
Serviço Florestal do Nordeste
Rua do Poceirão s/n
9630 - 171 Nordeste
Tel.: 296 480 570
Email: info.sfn@azores.gov.pt
*Nature Reserve and Recreation Park of Viveiros das Furnas
This forest nursery located in Furnas benefits from a great affluence of visitors interested in this idyllic valley.
The manicured plots grow oak trees, chestnut trees, among other hardwood species; but the largest production is Japanese Red Cedar, a tree that found in the Azores conditions quite similar to those of origin, thus becoming a very important part of the Azorean landscape.
In order to promote recreational fishing but especially to rehabilitate the fresh-water streams of São Miguel, namely in the surroundings of Lagoa do Fogo, the Aquaculture Station of Furnas developed a rainbow trout farm, where distinct stages of growth can be observed in various tanks.
Serviço Florestal de Ponta Delgada
Rua do Contador,23
9500-050 Ponta Delgada
Telef: 296204600
Email: info.sfpd@azores.gov.pt