The Habitat / Species Management Area of Faial da Terra covers 205,9ha, between Faial da Terra and the beach of Lombo Gordo, includes an Important Area for Birds – IBA, classified by Bird Life International for being the habitat of a number of protected species, in particular the Cory´s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea borealis) and the Little Shearwater (Puffinus assimilis), and is part of the Azores Geopark, with the geosites Vale da Ribeira do Faial da Terra and Fajã do Calhau.

Photos Paulo Henrique Silva | SIARAM
The coastline consists of detrital fajãs, such as Fajã do Calhau and Fajã do Araújo platforms formed at the base of tall cliffs, composed of unstable rocks and soils. By the sea, one will find an extensive pebble beach.
The cliff reaches more than 400m high and is composed of rocks from the Volcanic Complex of Nordeste (the oldest of São Miguel, with approximately 4 million years old), basalt from different lava flows and veins, slag and pumice stones. Also, a number of faults can be observed, crossing this part of the island.
The protected area is also marked by the Macaronesian coastal scrubs, particularly the Azorean Candleberry Tree (Morella faya) and Azorean Heather (Erica azorica). In rocky areas closer to sea, level endemic species grow, such as the Azorean Bellflower (Azorina vidalii), Azorean Spurge (Euphorbia azorica) and Azorean Fescue (Festuca petraea).

Photos Paulo Henrique Silva | SIARAM
This area is particularly popular during summer for its recreational assets, such as the holiday houses of Fajã do Calhau. Some of the areas also used for agriculture.
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