Achada is one of the most economically relevant parishes of the county of Nordeste and has about 436 residents. It is also the land of renowned literary personalities, starting with the poet Virgílio de Oliveira, honored with a bust in the central garden of this small village.
The name of the village is due to the fact that it lies on a flattened or thick ground. After the settlement, the lands were sold and beaten and are currently fertile enough to allow farming to be an activity of great economic importance.
What to see in this parish:
* Church of Nossa Senhora da Anunciação
This temple is the greatest component of the architectural heritage of Achada. The previous temple dedicated to this saint dates back to 1526. The contemporary building is a result of several alterations, the last one having taken place in 1984. In the past, this church invoked Nossa Senhora da Graça. The façade bears the inscription "1788".

* The Niche of Nossa Senhora de Fátima
The Niche of Nossa Senhora de Fátima, located on the Regional Road was built in memory of the visit of the pilgrim image of Nossa Senhora de Fátima to Achada, in March, 1991.

* The Triato of the Holy Spirit
“Triatos of the Holy Spirit” are constructions associated with the festivities in honor of the Holy Spirit, intended to display the symbols of the Holy Spirit, including the royal crown surmounted by a dove, flag, scepter, traditional masts. In the parish of Achada, the Triato is located in Largo Dr. Adolfo Martins Ferreira.

* Fountains
The fountains played a very important role in people's daily life. In a not so distant past, there were no sources of tap water to supply of several localities. In Achada, eight fountains can be found:
1. Located on Rua Mestre Inácio. The stone frame bears the inscriptions “1952” and “CMN”.
2. Located on Rua do Vigário. The stone frame bears the inscriptions “1952” and “CMN”.
3. Located on Rua do Cemitério. The stone frame bears the inscriptions “1952” and “CMN”.
4. Located on Rua do Vigário. The stone frame bears the inscriptions “CMN” and “1952”.
5. Located on Largo Dr. Adolfo Martins Ferreira. The stone frame bears the inscriptions “1952” and “CMN”.
6. Located on Largo Padre Benjamim Moniz Resende, close to the Church of Achada. It is inserted in a stone wall; the stone frame bears the inscriptions “CMN” e “1952”.
7. Located on Rua Dr. António Medeiros Franco. It is inserted into a stone wall, forming a niche.
8. Located on Rua das Pedras. It is inserted into the stone wall. The stone ledge bears the inscriptions “1952” and “CMN”.

* Bandstand
The bandstand is used to shelter music bands during concerts, festivals and other events. It is a symbol of celebration and remains, to this day, an important stage for performances to many communities. It is located in the Public Garden of the Church of Achada, in Largo Padre Benjamim Moniz Resendes. It has a tiled roof and is surmounted by a musical symbol.
* Mills classified as Public Interest Property
The Park of Ribeira dos Caldeirões encloses 5 mills classified as Public Interest Properties by the Resolution No. 79/97 of April 10, published in the Official Journal of Azores and are property of the City Council of Nordeste. One of the mills is still in operation and maintained daily by a miller. It recreates the traditional methods of grinding corn for those who have an interest in knowing more about these traditions. These mills date back to the XVI century, along with many others scattered throughout Nordeste, and used to be the only source of livelihood and income for many families.
* Old Sinks
The sinks or washing tanks are vestiges of the past. When the urbanization intensified, cities built public sinks for people without great possessions, so that they didn’t have to walk to the streams. Two of these structures are found in Achada. One is located on Rua das Pedras and the other in Largo Benjamin Moniz Resendes, both currently out of use.

* Memory to the Poet Virgílio de Oliveira
The memorial is a tribute made by the City Council of Nordeste, in June 1988, to the poet Virgilio de Oliveira, born in the parish of Achada. It was one of the greatest poets of popular literature in the Azores. From his early years, he devoted himself to the art of rhyme, publishing in São Miguel’s press some of his poetic work. This memorial is located in the Garden with the same name, in Largo Virgilio de Oliveira.

* Viewpoint of Ribeira dos Caldeirões
From this viewpoint, see the green hills of Ribeira dos Caldeirões and the Park of Ribeira dos Caldeirões. At night, the different shades of light bring magic to this place.

* Viewpoint of the Church
The viewpoint is located in a wide space where you can contemplate a bucolic landscape embellished by the surrounding blue sea, to the north, and Pico da Vara, to the east. From this site a large part of the northern coast of São Miguel can also be seen.

* Park of Ribeira dos Caldeirões
Park of great natural beauty, where the impressive cascade of clear water requires a stop. The running water on the “levadas” propels the old watermills which were recently restored and classified as Public Interest Properties. Here also lies the Municipal Handicraft Centre, a picnic area, grills, snack bar and restrooms.

* Public Garden of the Mother Church of Achada
Located in Largo Padre Benjamim Moniz Resendes, this discreet garden is paved with traditional Portuguese tiles and flowerbeds.

* Public Garden Virgílio de Oliveira
This pleasant garden is located in Largo Virgilio de Oliveira and is landscaped with flowerbeds and trees that provide shade, as well as a fountain in memory to the poet Virgilio de Oliveira.

* Picnic Park of Ribeira dos Caldeirões Natural Parks
Located in the Park of Ribeira dos Caldeirões, is equipped with barns, tables, grills and toilets.

* Bathing area of Lenho da Achada/Achadinha
Bathing area with restricted use, located in Ribeira dos Caldeirões, where bathing purposes is not very expressive.

* Small Harbor of Achada
This small harbor is characterized by a 15m long stone jetty that serves as a breakwater and allows the mooring of small boats along the ramp. It has a paved access and five storage cabins.

* Achada’s Museum Center
Small space opened on August 11, 2006, with an interesting ethnographical exhibition about the village. Here you can find agricultural tools and household objects related to immigration and with the cult of the Holy Spirit.

* Handicraft Centre – Ribeira dos Caldeirões Park
The Center is located in the Park of Ribeira dos Caldeirões, and is a reference for regional crafts.

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