Lomba da Fazenda is the biggest and most economically developed parish of the council of Nordeste, with about 844 inhabitants.
For many centuries, the household income of Lomba da Fazenda depended on the cultivation of land: essentially maize and wheat.
The name of the village probably comes from the existence of a working farm, the farm ("fazenda") of “capitão” donatário Rui Gonçalves da Câmara.
The cultivation of maize and wheat was abandoned over the years for other cultures, such as potatoes, beans and vine, though less vigorously and almost exclusively as subsistence agriculture, a knowledge that has been passed on from generation to generation.
Today, livestock sustains most of the local economy. Vast tracts of virgin forest and land that were once cultivated with wheat and other crops are now large areas for pasture.
However, the tradition of agriculture and the experiences of other times are still present in other sectors of the economy. The bakery, confection of homemade bread, coveted throughout the island, is one of the recovered traditional productions. Laborious hands give continuity to the traditional way of making corn and wheat bread, sweet bread, cakes and biscuits which give an added value to the parish of Lomba da Fazenda.
The rural tourism is another sector that bridges old experience to modernity. Lomba da Fazenda was the first parish of the municipality to recover old properties for rental, today turned into holiday villages of great quality.
What to see in this parish:
* Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição
The original chapel built in the 18th century was expanded in 1817 and completely razed in 1888. The present temple started to be built in 1909, date inscribed on its façade.

* Triato of the Holy Spirit
“Triatos of the Holy Spirit” are constructions associated with the festivities in honor of the Holy Spirit, intended to display the symbols of the Holy Spirit, including the royal crown surmounted by a dove, flag, scepter, traditional masts. They are built in a rectangular one floor plan. There are five Triatos in Lomba da Fazenda:
1. Located on Rua Vale do Paiva, in the middle of a cobblestone square. The façade, crafted in basaltic rock, is inscribed with one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit, the crown.
2. Located on Canada do Cristiano. The façade is inscribed with one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit, the crown, carved in basaltic rock.
3. Located on Rua das Almas de Baixo, in a garden opened in 2005. The façade bears one of the symbols of the Divine Holy Spirit, the Crown.
4. Located in Caminho do Concelho.
5. Located on Rua do Termo. The stone façade is inscribed with one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit, the crown.

* Fountains
The fountains played a very important role in people's daily life. In a not too distant past, there were no sources of tap water to supply several localities. There are six fountains in Lomba da Fazenda:
1. Located on Rua Francisco Duarte, inserted into a wall, forming a niche. Not drinkable water.
2. Located on Rua das Almas, the façade bears the inscriptions "1935" and "CMA". Part of the fountain is decorated with basaltic rock.
3. Located on Rua doTermo, the fountain is inserted into a wall. Not drinkable water.
4. Located on Rua Doutor João Manuel da Silveira.
5. Located on Rua da Conceição.
6. Located on Rua da Courela, Lomba da Cruz. The façade bears the inscription "CMN".

* Bandstand
The bandstand is used to shelter music bands during concerts, festivals and other events. It is a symbol of celebration and remains, to this day, an important stage for performances to many communities. There are two bandstands in Lomba da Fazenda:
1. Located in the Public Garden of Lomba da Fazenda and inaugurated on 6 August, 2005. It is covered with tiles and topped by a music symbol.
2. Located on Rua dos Barreiros. Tiled roof.

* Viewpoint of the Parque Endémico do Pelado
Located in the Endemic Park of Pelado, in Lomba da Fazenda. This viewpoint offers a magnificent view of the sea and the hillside of Nordeste.

*Viewpoint of Barreiros
Located in the parish of Lomba da Fazenda, in the zone of Barreiros, it offers a panoramic view over the neighboring parishes.

* Public Garden of Nossa Senhora de Fátima
Located along the Regional Road, in the parish of Lomba da Fazenda, this garden is paved with rustic footpaths, flanked by beds of azaleas and bushes, trees to provide shade, an area with two tables and benches for picnics. It lies in a niche built in honor to Nossa Senhora de Fátima.

* Public Garden of Lomba da Fazenda
Located along the Regional Road, in Lomba da Fazenda, a garden with flowerbeds, cobblestone paths and some benches. A beautiful bandstand stands in the center.

* Botanical Garden of Ribeira do Guilherme
This garden is situated on the slopes of Serra da Tronqueira, occupying part of the course of Ribeira do Guilherme. Along this stream, one can see cascades that feed the neighboring lakes, once used to power the mills.

* Endemic Park of Pelado
Opened in August 2001, this pleasant park houses a significant number of endemic species and is already considered a regional plant heritage, with specimens of Azorean Candleberry Tree, Tree Heath and Fescue. It is inserted in a high value geological zone. With the sea and wild beauty of the slopes of Nordeste in the background, the park offers a picnic area and access trail to the bathing area.

* Picnic Park of Ribeira do Guilherme
Landscaped park, located on the Regional Road, next to the Botanical Garden of Ribeira do Guilherme. It offers grills, tables and benches in stone.

* Picnic Park of Endemic Park of Pelado
Located in the Endemic Park of Pelado, the viewpoint is also a charming picnic area with haystacks, grills, tables and benches in stone.

* Picnic Park of Viewpoint of Barreiros
Landscaped picnic park, located in the zone of Barreiros, with tables and benches in stone.

* Picnic Park of the Morgada
Located on Rua Doutor Vitor Cabral Macedo, offers grills, tables and benches in stone.

* Pools of Foz from Ribeira do Guilherme
Easily accessible natural pools located in Ribeira do Guilherme, between Vila do Nordeste and Lomba da Fazenda. Accessible by car or on foot, this vast leisure area offers restrooms, showers and parking. It is a guarded beach in the area.

* Ethnographic Museum of Lomba da Fazenda
Located in the Parish of Lomba da Fazenda, the museum exhibits local ethnographic pieces, including farm implements, antique furniture and small decorative objects.

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