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Nossa Senhora dos Remédios

Situated on the slopes of Povoação, the parish of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios consists of  Lomba do Loução and Lomba do Alcaide, and received the status of parish in 1957. The name "Loução" was given after João Loução, a mid-sixteenth century local personality, who built a caravel in the entrance of Povoação. The name Alcaide, honors de family Ferreira de Azevedo, known as the "Alcaides", who were mayors of the village in the 17th century.

The parish of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios has about 1 112 inhabitants and is the third most populous village of the municipaly of Povoação, depending mainly on agriculture and cattle raising.

With regards to the local cuisine, we can highlight the bean soup, pork rinds, fennel soup with broad beans, potatoes and corn thick porridge and bread with beans and salty peppers.

Anyone who visits this parish will find a number of mandatory stops, such as the viewpoints of Pico Longo and Pôr-do-sol, the Museum of  Wheat and more.

What to see in this parish:

* Church of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios - Lomba da Loução
Church built in 1893  to replace the old chapel with the same invocation.  It is located in the big central square of the Lomba do Loução, Largo Dr. Carlos José Botelho de Paiva. It presents wide front steps.

* Church of Divino Espírito Santo - Lomba do Alcaide
The present church is recent, dating back to 1984 and dedicated to the Holy Spirit. There used to be a chapel, built on 1865, which fell into ruins in 1881. The old chapel was dedicated to Nossa Senhora da Bonança.

* Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Monte - Monte Simplício
Private chapel located in Lomba do Loução. The date "1930" is inscribed on the façade.

* "Alminhas"
Alminhas" are artistic and religious heritage that occupy strategic points in the parishes. They are signs of religious experience and the physical experience of the territory.
The two "Alminhas" of this parish are located at the entrance to Lomba do Loução and on the Regional Road, leaving Lomba do Loução. The last displays Stations of the Cross.


* Triato of the Holy Spirit
“Triatos of the Holy Spirit” are constructions associated with the festivities in honor of the Holy Spirit, intended to display the symbols of the Holy Spirit, including the royal crown surmounted by a dove, flag, scepter, traditional masts. They are built in a rectangular one floor plan. There are two Triatos in Nossa Senhora dos Remédios:

1. Located at Largo Dr. Carlos José Botelho de Paiva, topped by a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the dove.
2. Located at Largo Divino Espírito Santo, topped by a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the dove.


* House of Mordomias
The Parish Lomba do Loução  is known for its "Mordomias". Located on Rua de João Loução, they are associated with the festivities in honor of the Holy Spirit, for the storage of utensils used in the confection and distribution of soups and other traditional dishes of those festivities.

* Fountains

The fountains played a very important role in people's daily life. In a not too distant past, there were no sources of tap water to supply several localities. There are eight fountains in Nossa Senhora dos Remédios:

1. Located on 3rd Rua do Visconde do Botelho. Arch structure in stone tillage (basalt).
2. Located on Rua Gustavo Adolfo de Medeiros, made of stone tillage (basalt).
3. Located in front of the Church of Divino Espirito Santo, at Largo do Espirito Santo. Built on tillage (basalt).
4. Located on Rua de João Loução, next to the Parish Center of Lomba do Loução, it is also as “Mordomias”. Bears the inscription "1993" and the figure of São João painted in tiles.
5. Located on Rua da Igreja and is a stone-built tillage (basalt rock) structure.
6. Located on Rua do Treatro, carved in basaltic rock.
7. Located on Rua da Escola.
8. Located at Largo Dr. Carlos José Botelho de Paiva, near the church. Structure carved in basaltic rock (Stone tillage).


* Bandstand
The bandstand is used to shelter music bands during concerts, festivals and other events.  It is a symbol of celebration and remains, to this day, an important stage for performances to many communities. There are two bandstands in Nossa Senhora dos Remédios:

1. Located  in Largo of Divino Espírito Santo, with tiled roof.
2. Located in Largo Dr. Carlos José Botelho de Paiva, opposite the church with roofing tile.


* Viewpoint of Pico Longo 
Located on the Regional Road of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, gives an excellent panoramic view to Povoação and its seven hills.

* Viewpoint of Ponta do Pôr-do-Sol
Located on the outskirts of the Vila da Povoção in the direction  of the parish of Faial da Terra, it is a great place to stroll, relax or have a picnic.  It offers a magnificent view to the lake of Povoação and the sea.

* Picnic Park of Viewpoint of Ponta do Pôr-do-Sol
Wide landscaped space with haystacks, grills, tables, benches in stone and restrooms.

* Picnic Park of Pé do Salto
Picnic area located on the Municipal Road from Lomba do Loução,  at Pé do Salto. It is a small space ideal for picnics, with tiled paths, stone tables and benches. This recreation area also has a small green area with trees and benches.

* Museum of Wheat
Located in a 19th century reconstructed watermill, between Lomba do Loução and Lomba do Alcaide. It was inaugurated on 31 July, 2004 and originally used for the threshing of wheat mainly by the means of two machines: the “debulhadora” and “tarara”. The museum displays a permanent exhibition on the cultivation of wheat, everyday life and respective tools.

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