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Santa Maria
São Jorge
São Miguel

<Outubro de 2024>
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Agenda of the Lands of Priolo - October
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Santana, currently with 475 residents, was constituted as a parish in 1960. It owes its name to the old Temple of Santana, built to bring spiritual assistance to the population of Feteira Pequena. In the XIX century, the temple became clearly too small and much degraded.  It was refurbished and widened into a new temple in 1869.

The locations of Feteira Grande and Feteira Pequena, that compose the parish, were designated “as land of many fetuses."

In the past, the manufacture of tile and lime were symbols of this parish, both raw materials for the construction of houses and buildings.

What to see in this parish:

* Church of Santana
In the XIX century, the chapel was clearly too small and in a deplorable condition. It was refurbished and widened, before being replaced by the current church in 1869. The façade bears the inscription "SS ANNA” and the date "1869 ".  It is located in Largo João Jacinto Pacheco.

* Triato of the Holy Spirit
“Triatos of the Holy Spirit” are constructions associated with the festivities in honor of the Holy Spirit, intended to display the symbols of the Holy Spirit, including the royal crown surmounted by a dove, flag, scepter, traditional masts. They are built in a rectangular one floor plan. In the parish of Santana, there  are 3 Triatos:

1. Located in Largo da Cruz.  The façade is inscribed with the date "1891" and one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit carved in basalt, the crown.  Above, a cross is also carved in basalt.
2. Located on Rua Direita.  It is surmounted by a cross in basaltic rock.
3. Located on Rua das Almas.  The façade is inscribed with the date "1881" and is surmounted by a stone cross.


* Fountains
The fountains played a very important role in people's daily life.  In a not too distant past, there were no sources of tap water to supply several localities. There are 18 fountains in Santana:

1. Located on Rua das Almas, it bears the inscription "1963". The monumental wall contrasts between black volcanic rock and whitewash.
2. Located on Rua da Rocha.  Bears the inscription "[1]9[6]3" and "C[M]N". It is situated in a recess of the street, surrounded by a wall made of stone.
3. It is located on the Regional Road. The fountain is inserted into the wall, ornamented with white tiles and flanked by two small recessed benches.
4. Located on Rua do Engenho, it bears the inscriptions "CMN" and "196"[3] and is flanked by a wall in stonework.
5. Located on Rua do Calço, a very steep street.  Bears the inscriptions "1963" and "[CM]N".
6. Located on Rua da Cruz along a wall in stonework.  Bears the inscriptions "CMN" and "19[6]3".
7. Located on Rua da Igreja, bears the inscription "1[9]6[3]."
8. Located on Rua do Engenho. It is inserted into a wall, painted in white and complemented by a basaltic rock basin.
9. Located on Rua do Calço, it is inserted into the wall. The main body of the fountain is carved in basaltic rock.
10. Located on Rua das Almas, it bears the inscription "19[6]3. It is located next to a wall in stonework.
11. Inserted into a wall structure forming a niche, the fountain is located on Rua do Engenho.  The white structure contrasts with the dark volcanic rock (basalt).
12. It is located in a recess of Rua do Valverde, flanked by a stone wall.
13. Located on Rua do Engenho and surrounded by a stonework wall.  The front is inscribed with "1963".
14. Located on Rua da Rocha, entirely carved in basaltic rock, it bears the inscription "CMN".
15. Arch structure located on the Regional Road from Santana. The surrounding wall is in stonework. The basin is carved in basaltic rock. It is a fountain of niche type.
16. Located on Rua das Almas, in a recess of the road, it bears the inscriptions "19[63]" and "[C]M[N]".
17. Located next to the old washing sinks at Rua da Rocha. The structure is carved in basaltic rock.
18. Located in Largo da Cruz, near the Triato of the Holy Spirit.


* Bandstand
The bandstand is used to shelter music bands during concerts, festivals and other events.  It is a symbol of celebration and remains, to this day, an important stage for performances to many communities. Located in the Public Garden Padre Francisco Moniz da Silva Furtado, on Rua da Igreja, this tiled bandstand was opened on November 11, 1997.

* Old Sinks
The sinks or washing tanks are vestiges of the past. When the urbanization intensified, cities built public sinks for people without great possessions, so that they didn’t had to walk to the streams. The only sink of Santana is currently out of use, located on Rua da Rocha.

* Lime Kiln
Built in 1908, this lime kiln was for a long time a very important economic instrument for commercial and industrial development.  Since then it has been recovered into a private barbecue area (currently closed).

* Viewpoint of Pesqueiro
Situated in Feteira Grande, this viewpoint offers a great view over the northern pebble coast. Until recently, it was a popular spot for fishing and harvesting of limpets. Looking south, we can see the mountains and Pico da Vara.  You will also find a picnic area, restrooms and a small playground.

* Public Garden of Padre Francisco Moniz da Silva Furtado
Located on Rua da Igreja, in Feteira Pequena. It is a small garden with a bandstand in the center, benches, flowerbeds and a few trees to offer shade.

* Picnic Park from Viewpoint of Pesqueiro
Situated next to the Viewpoint of Pesqueiro, the picnic park offers a large green space with haystacks, grills, tables and benches in stone.

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