Discover the sites of Lands Priolo on foot, enjoying the natural, cultural and historical values of each place.
The Lands of Priolo enclose 7 approved walking trails each offering views over magnificent landscapes that will enhance your knowledge and make you enjoy the flora, fauna and geological formations of this territory.
For more information | Click here
Before starting a walk, make sure the trails are approved and fully functional.
You can find other available trails in the Lands of Priolo, approved by City Council of Nordeste, that are definitely worth discovering:
- Forno de Cal
- Miradouro da Tronqueira
- Fajã do Araújo
- Lomba da Fazenda
- Nossa Senhora do Pranto
- Planalto dos Graminhais / Pico da Vara / Salto do Cavalo
- Terras do Nosso Senhor (Achadinha)
- Fajã do Rodrigo - Ribeira do Guilherme
The trails can be discovered on your own or with tourism companies – especially for the ones requiring a certified guide.
Bluezone - Observação de Cetáceos e Animação Turística, Lda. 
Rotunda de São Gonçalo, 131
Hotel VIP Executive
9500-343 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 966 078 829 | 914 372 990
Email: info@bigblue-adventures.com
Cresaçor - Cooperativa Regional de Economia Solidária 
Rua D. Maria José Borges, 137 r/c
9500-466 Fajã de Baixo
Tel: 296 281 554
Fax: 296 281 542
Email: cresacor@cresacor.org
Fora da Estrada
Tel: 968 517 981 | 914 288 801
Email: fernando.cabido@sapo.pt
Marina Pero de Teive Loja A
9500 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 296 628 522 | 967 808 666
Fax: 296 628 524
Email: reservations@futurismo.pt
Geo Fun - Animação Turística, Lda.
Avenida Infante D.Henrique
9500-150 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 919 931 562
Email: info@geo-fun.com
Picos de Aventura Melo 
Hotel Marina Atlântico
Av. Infante D. Henrique
9500 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 296 283 288
Fax: 296 283 291
Email: geral@picosdeaventura.com
Trilhos da Natureza 
Beco da Rua Prestes de Cima, 1
9500-450 Ponta Delgada
Tel: 919 020 506 | 968 687 473
Email: info@trilhosdanatureza.com
TurisVerde de Daniel Melo 
Rua Pe. José Rebelo Cordeiro, 11
9500-510 Fajã de Cima
Tel: 296 636 177 | 915 172 738
Email: turisverde@hotmail.com
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