* Liqueurs
Sweet liqueurs are usually brewed with herbs - like tea leaves - spices, seeds, roots, as well as many other raw materials, such as fruits - notably pineapple, passion fruit and blackberry, among others that have found in the Azorean soil good nutrients to develop. Liqueurs are not usually aged for long periods, but have to rest for some time until they reach the ideal flavor, depending on their composition.
There are several varieties of liquor, from the famous mandarin liquor, to coffee or milk, or even blackberry. Produced right in the Lands of Priolo, they are much appreciated by visitors.

Jams are fruits or vegetables, such as figs or tomatoes, boiled with sugar in water or fruit juice. Locals use the jam for dessert, to cover cakes or stuffing the so characteristic bolo lêvedo. There are varieties of delicious jams made in the county of Povoação that deserve to be savored. Enjoy!

The extremely diverse flora enriches the quality of the honey manufactured in Azores. Victorian Laurel honey is produced by bees that collect the nectar from the flowers of the Victorian Laurel, a tree that has been introduced in almost all the islands of Azores. It has a variable color, but is generally almost colorless, with a yellow tint.
The Multiflora honey is produced from the nectar collected from a variety of plants and has a dark brown color.
The honey produced in the Azores is a product that can be certified and protected, as a quality agrifood product, thanks to its geographical origin and particular mode of production. If you choose to purchase the “Mel dos Azores”, choose one with DOP certification, since it ensures the quality of its manufacture.

*Fresh cheese
The fresh cheese made from sheep, goat or cow milk is ideal for appetizers and very healthy. It should be consumed shortly after production to insure its smooth texture and freshness. It is available in most of the restaurants of the Lands of Priolo, generally as an appetizer and served with local chilly jam (called Pimenta da Terra) or used to fill the so famous bolos lêvedos.

Where can you purchase some of these products?
Cooperativa Celeiro da Terra
Estrada Regional da Lomba do Alcaide
9650 Povoação
Tel.: 296 559 244
Fax: 296 559 244
Email: geral@celeirodaterra.com
Emanuel Casado 
Mel e Doçaria Tradicional
Rua Água Quente 36G
9675-040 Furnas | Povoação
Tel.: 296 584 351
Fax: 296 584 351
Email: ecasado@iol.pt
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