* Apples
Apple trees, once a lost heritage, are slowly returning and gaining importance in the parish of Furnas. The redevelopment project of the watershed, conducted by the Regional Secretariat of Natural Resources, has been gradually re-introducing the numerous varieties that once grew here. The orchard of apple trees from Furnas once grew 21 grafted varieties on a half-hectare plot of an old pasture, now occupied by invasive species. The various species of apples have been revitalized in the area of Lagoa Seca. This orchard has given a new dimension to this revitalization. Apart from the apples from Furnas, other fruits can also be found in local groceries, such as oranges and plums, which develop a special flavor growing in the sulfurous soils of the Furnas valley.
*Corn cobs and boiled eggs
The delicious corn cobs cooked in the boilers of Furnas consists of a gastronomic product that delights tourists as well as locals. Just like the sweet corn cobs, boiled eggs acquire a peculiar taste in the sulfurs boilers. This gastronomic product is a must taste during summer.

*Roasted corn with sugar
Another delicious discovery is the sweet oven roasted maize grains. This very nutritious cereal is a much appreciated appetizer of the Lands of Priolo.

The yam (Colasia esculenta) is a tuber used in local cuisine in various ways, served as an accompaniment to main dishes, such as in the famous Cozido das Furnas, or simply as a snack. The cultivation of this tuber has become extremely popular in the wetlands of Furnas. It is not uncommon to see abundant crops along the creeks that were initiated to address the lack of grain.
Tasting this exotic tuber carefully grown in Furnas’ fertile soil is an experience definitely worth having.
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