Discover the flavors of some of the most typical delicacies of the municipalities of Povoação and Nordeste, such as the famous Cozido das Furnas (Furnas stew), cooked with geothermal heat in the boiler area, or Capão Recheado (Stuffed Capon) characteristic gastronomic dish of Nordeste.
Fervedouro, Molho de Fígado (Liver Sauce), Capão Recheado (Stuffed Capon), o Desfeito e a Descaída, o Chouriço e Morcela de Vinha d'Alhos, Chicharros Assados na Sertã (Bakered Horse-mackerel), Torresmos de Vinha d'Alhos (Greaves), Cabrito Assado (Roasted lamb), Caldeirada de Peixe (Fish stew), Cozido à Portuguesa (Portuguese stew), Favas Guisadas (Stewed broad beans), Sopas do Espírito Santo (Soups of the Holy Spirit), Sopa de Funcho e de Tomate da Tia Conceição (Fennel and Tomato soup from Aunt Conceição), Carne Guisada na Panela de Ferro and Caldo de Couve (Beef Stew and Stewed Cabbage) are some of the renowned gastronomic dishes of Lands of Priolo.
Sopas do Espírito Santo (Soups of the Holy Spirit), for example, are specific to each parish. There is strong competition between parishes, to see who makes the best soup. They are served during the festivities of the Holy Spirit (May and June).
The pão caseiro (homemade bread) is also noteworthy in the region and can be purchased in any bakery, massa sovada (kneaded dough), bolo da sertã (cake fryer), milho em grão torrado na sertã com açucar e clara de ovo (corn in grain roasted in the frying pan with sugar and egg white), papas grossas (thick porridge) and arroz doce (rice pudding).
Some of the typical dishes of the parish of Furnas are bolo lêvedo (yeast cake) - made of wheat flour, sugar, butter and milk and cooked in a frying pan over low heat, cobs and baked eggs in Caldeira do Esguicho, that therefore have a light sulfur taste and smell.
Suggestions of typical gastronomy of Lands Priolo:
- Molho de fígado (Liver Sauce)
- Chouriço e Morcela de Vinha d`Alho
- Torresmos de Vinha d`Alho (Greaves)
- Sopas do Espírito Santo (Soup of the Holy Spirit)
- Cabrito Assado no forno de lenha (Firewood roasted lamb)
- Chicharros Assados na sertã (Baked Horse-mackerel)
- Inhame com Chouriço (Yams with black pudding)
- Caldeirada de Peixe (Fish Stew)
- Chicharros com Molho de Vilão (Horse - Mackerel with Sauce)
- Cozido das Caldeiras (Portuguese stew)
- Feijoada das Caldeiras (Beans from boilers)
- Bacalhau à Moda das Furnas (Codfish from Furnas)
- Feijão Assado (Baked Beans* )
- Capão Recheado (Stuffed Capon*)
* Only available by order
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