Regional Government and SPEA analyse amendments to legal scheme on hunting resources and hunting activities
The Regional Director for Forest Resources highlighted the clarification reached between the Government of the Azores and the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) regarding the proposal amend the legal scheme on the management of hunting resources in the archipelago.
"The proposal (submitted by the Regional Government) is credible and based on technical-scientific studies, without forgetting Community directives. It complies with national and international rules," said Anabela Isidoro, who spoke Monday at the end of a meeting with the Board of SPEA in Ponta Delgada.
This meeting, which lasted more than three hours, addressed a number of topics regarding the specificities of hunting activities on each island of the archipelago as well as some technical issues related to biological and monitoring studies that will serve as the basis for the implementation of management measures of hunting populations.
Anabela Isidoro pointed out, for example, that the hunting pressure of woodcock and snipe species is adjusted to the existing population on each island. However, there is a need to disseminate regional annual statistics regarding these species insofar they annually serve as the basis for the proposed hunting season.
The Regional Director pointed out that the amendments proposed by the Government of the Azores intend to "clarify and adjust certain procedures, meet current management needs and promote a more effective performance of all those involved in hunting activities."
Anabela Isidoro also assured that the preparation of the legal document, which will be voted on at the Legislative Assembly, took into account the ecological and biological aspects of hunting populations in the archipelago. This demonstrates the rigour and credibility of the amendments proposed by the Government.
The Regional Director for Forest Resources restated that the Regional Government is always available to accept proposals for amendments to the legal scheme on the management of hunting resources in the archipelago, if they are relevant and feasible. According to her, the coexistence of hunting activities, agriculture and bird watching is possible, being important for the economy and the balance of populations.