The 1st Forum held by Rabo de Peixe Development and Social Cohesion Centre, an initiative held under the Regional Strategy to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion, takes place Wednesday, April 10, at Rui Galvão de Carvalho School in this town.
The meeting will be chaired by the Regional Director for Education, Rodrigo Reis, who is also the coordinator of the Intersectoral Network of Rabo de Peixe. The latter is made up of members from several entities: the Azores Social Security Institute and the Regional Directorates for Social Solidarity, Education, Culture, Employment, Health, and Prevention and Control of Dependencies.
This forum, scheduled for 6 PM, intends to promote the development of an effective and dynamic partnership that coordinates the social intervention of different local agents as well as the promotion of strategic and systematic planning by enhancing local synergies, skills and resources.
Ensuring greater effectiveness of social responses, fostering participatory diagnosis and planning, promoting coordination of local interventions and disseminating the knowledge about the reality of Rabo de Peixe are other goals of this meeting.
This open-participation Forum will involve the participation of local public associations and organisations, Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS), Rabo de Peixe Basic Education School. S. Miguel Health Unit, representatives of the Public Security Police and other local public services.