Regional Director for Education highlights projects that "open up the Azores to the world"
The Regional Director for Education highlighted in Ponta Delgada the importance of opening up the Azores to the world, through several educational projects currently under way in the archipelago.
Rodrigo Reis spoke at the delivery ceremony of the eTwinning prizes to Arrifes Basic Education School and Antero de Quental Secondary School, stressing that "this opening allows students to expand their horizons."
At the ceremony, the European quality label and the National eTwinning Prize were also awarded to the "Travelling to Different Biomes" project, led by teacher Dora Pereira, from the Antero de Quental Secondary School.
The Regional Director mentioned the fact that the eTwinning projects stimulate the development of many skills set out in the Profile of Students Leaving Compulsory Education
Skills such as the respect for others, critical and creative problem solving, and knowledge of technologies are particularly valued and developed within the scope of an eTwinning project. Therefore, this distinction "should be a source of pride that brings added responsibility to the awarded schools," said Rodrigo Reis.
These aspects "are examples for other schools to follow," seeing that they empower the school community in terms of digital and internet safety practices as well as in terms of innovative and creative educational approaches. Additionally, they "promote collaborative teaching practices between teachers and students," added the government official.
The eTwinning is the European school community co-funded by Erasmus+, a European programme in the field of Education, Training, Youth and Sport. It provides a platform aimed at promoting communication, collaboration, project development and sharing practices among education professionals (preschool teachers, teachers, principals, librarians) working in schools of the European countries involved in this initiative.