Investment in Ponta Delgada Port to improve operating conditions, says Ana Cunha
The Regional Secretary for Transport and Public Works stated today that the ongoing investment in the Ponta Delgada Port will have a direct impact on the operational capacity of this port.
Ana Cunha visited the site of the reprofiling works of pier -10m (ZH), which includes the repaving of the port embankment, the improvement of technical networks and the dredging of the port basin. On the occasion, she noted that the work is being carried out at a good pace, namely the dredging of the port basin, which was the main purpose of this visit.
The government official pointed out that the dredging of the basin bottom for the respective service depth will "make it possible the operation of three container ships simultaneously on the same embankment, thus reducing the number of movements and cycles of transport, loading and unloading of containers."
The demolition works of the Customs building have now ended. There are other activities now taking place, such as the conduction of underwater geological and geotechnical studies, topographic surveys, preparation and compatibility of infrastructure networks, and the demolition of the building at the south-east corner, which will make way for the new Port Operations building.
The construction of the port access area with weighing control system, the relocation of the cafeteria and the intervention in the implantation area of the future port operations building were carried out in during the month of June.
Ana Cunha announced that the beginning of the intervention in pier 12 should take place in September, with the rising of the pier crest level from three metres to 3.5 metres, the reinforcement of its superstructure for the installation of 150-tonne mooring bollards. It will also include the installation of new fuel, water, sewer, telecommunications and energy infrastructures as well as of the new concrete pavement, which will connect all these elements and allow the horizontal movement of cargo in the port.
It should be recalled that this intervention was awarded by the Regional Government, through the Regional Port Authorities, to the Tecnovia Açores/Marques, S.A. /Etermar/Seth consortium for 45.6 million Euros, with a completion period of 36 months.
In addition to this major investment, the Regional Government, through the Regional Port Authorities, remains committed to the renovation of port equipment, which represent an investment of 10 million Euros for the acquisition of more than 20 pieces of equipment.
It should be recalled that this investment began in 2019 and will run until next year.
With regard to the Ponta Delgada Port, the public tender is under way, already in the awarding phase, and includes the acquisition of four new forklift trucks, which will further improve the operation of this port infrastructure.