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Informação: Press release from the Regional Health Authority
The Regional Health Authority informs that regarding the eight suspected cases reported Saturday, seven cases tested negative and one case tested positive for infection with the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 disease. The positive result awaits a second test to be conducted by the Dr. Ricardo Jorge National Health Institute. The positive case corresponds to a 29-year-old ... Mais >>

Informação: Azores Line 800 29 29 29 created to clarify non-medical doubts
The Regional Government will make available, from 5 pm today, a telephone line specifically intended to clarify the Azoreans on non-medical doubts regarding the situation of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic in the Region. The COVID-19 Non-Medical Information Line 800 29 29 29 is available all days of the week from 8 am to 8 pm to clarify on the measures adopted in the Region to tackle the p... Mais >>

Informação: Press release from the Regional Health Authority
The Regional Health Authority reports that a suspected case of infection with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is under assessment in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. It is a 35-year-old male resident in Povoação on the island of São Miguel who was in contact with a confirmed case on February 27 and 28 February. Currently, he is clinically stable and awaits the results of labo... Mais >>

Informação: Press release from the President of the Regional Government of the Azores
"Following the Regional Government's permanent monitoring of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the Government of the Azores has determined the following: 1- Declare state of emergency in the entire territory of the Autonomous Region of the Azores until March 31 under the terms of the Legal Scheme on the Civil Protection System of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, without excluding the possibilit... Mais >>

Informação: Press release from the Regional Health Authority
Considering the international public health emergency arising from the COVID-19 disease outbreak classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation; It is necessary to adopt measures and procedures that, in a responsible and proportionate manner, prevent and limit the spread of infection by the new coronavirus in the Autonomous Region of the Azores; Given the importance of preventive action... Mais >>

Informação: Press release from the Regional Government of the Azores
Following the permanent monitoring of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of the Azores, under the state of alert already declared in the Azores, has determined the closure of all school establishments in the Region from March 16, 2020. This closure will be enforced until the end of the Easter holiday period. Daycare centres, kindergartens, free time occupation centres, occupati... Mais >>

Informação: Press release from the extraordinary meeting of the Council of the Government
The Extraordinary Council of Government of the Azores met in Ponta Delgada, as part of the regional action to tackle the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, has assessed the situation regarding the measures already implemented, highlighting, among them, the following: • In what concerns the Azores Regional Civil Protection and Fire Service (SRPCBA), the Azores Health Line has been technically pre... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government invests 300 thousand Euros in 10 negative pressure rooms in Ponta Delgada Hospital
The Regional Secretary for Health announced today that the Infectious Disease Services of Divino Espírito Santo Hospital (HDES) in Ponta Delgada will be equipped with 10 negative pressure rooms and equipment, adding this is an “investment of about 300 thousand Euros that should be completed in May." Teresa Machado Luciano spoke in Ponta Delgada during a hearing at the Committee on Soc... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores meets with tourism associations to address Covid-19 outbreak
The Government of the Azores will hold a meeting with the heads of local associations representing the tourism sector next Wednesday, March 11, with the aim of analysing the evolution of the Covid-19 impacts on this sector in the Region. This meeting will be attended by the Vice-President of the Government, Sérgio Ávila, and the Regional Secretary for Energy, Environment and Tourism, M... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Directorate for Health recommends restrictions on inpatient visits and accompanying persons in the emergency room
The Regional Directorate for Health recommends restrictions in the number of visits to patients admitted to integrated continuing care units, nursing homes and "casas de saúde" (mental institutions) under the measures aimed at preventing infections with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). An information circular released today determines that the professionals responsible for these inpatient un... Mais >>

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