Following the permanent monitoring of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, there are, as of August 31, 2020, a total of 29 active positive cases on the islands of São Miguel, Terceira and Pico.
In addition, a local SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission chain, with incidence in the municipalities of Ponta Delgada and Vila Franca do Campo, remains active. This situation entails the maintenance of the measures already determined for the island of São Miguel, through the Resolution of the Council of the Government no.231/2020 of August 12.
In view of the global evolution of the pandemic situation and the opening of air links from outside the Region to the islands of Santa Maria, São Miguel, Terceira, Pico and Faial, the extension of the state of public disaster declaration is still justified on these islands as well as the extension of the state of alert declaration on the islands of Graciosa, São Jorge, Flores and Corvo.
In view of this situation, the Government of the Azores, at an extraordinary meeting of the Council of the Government held by video conference on August 31, 2020, decided the following:
1 - Determine, for the island of São Miguel in the period between 12 am of September 2 and 12 am of September 9, the following:
a) Closure of beverage establishments and similar establishments with dance spaces;
b) Closure, from 10 pm, of bars and other beverage establishments with or without shows, with or without outdoor bar service;
c) From 10 pm until 6 am of the following day, gas stations may continue their operation, exclusively for the purpose of selling fuel and supplying vehicles.
2 - Recommend local authorities of São Miguel Island to report, with security forces and competent inspection entities, the establishments that do not comply with the rules laid down in the previous paragraph as well as with those provided for in the guidelines from the Regional Health Authority.
3 - Determine, at the level of readiness and response, under the Legal Scheme on the Civil Protection System of the Autonomous Region of the Azores:
a) The extension of the state of public disaster declaration on the islands of Santa Maria, São Miguel, Terceira, Pico and Faial until 12 am of September 15;
b) The extension of the state of alert declaration on the islands of Graciosa, São Jorge, Flores and Corvo until 12 am of September 15.
4 - Determine that, after the reopening of the national maritime space to cruise ships and yachts from international ports, the docking of such vessels is allowed at the ports and marinas of the archipelago, provided that the respective passengers are tested on arrival, unless otherwise authorised by the Regional Health Authority considering the length of voyage without calls and the absence of symptoms.
The permanent monitoring on the evolution of the epidemiological situation may entail the adoption of new measures.
The Government of the Azores reiterates the need to comply with the guidelines on the use of mask, physical distance and respiratory etiquette.