The Vice-Presidency of the Government, through the Directorate for Planning and Structural Funds (DRPFE), will participate in a technical session to present the call under the Cooperation Programme designated as INTERREG VA - Madeira Azores Canaries 2014-2020 in Angra do Heroísmo next Wednesday, September 19.
With an amount almost identical to the first call, the amount allocated under the second call reaches to approximately 5.9 million Euros in Community funds for the Azorean partners that will develop joint projects with partners from other regions and third countries.
This session will take place at Terceira Mar Hotel at 9:30 AM, being directed to the technical structures of potential regional partners. It will address the presentation of aspects concerning the submission of applications and eligibility as well as technical questions on the implementation of projects.
INTERREG - MAC is a territorial cooperation programme supported by the Community Structural Fund - ERDF, with an allocation of 11.9 million Euros for participating regional entities. It also comprises the participation of neighbouring countries, namely Cape Verde, Senegal and Mauritania.
The regional partners in this cooperation programme are varied and include Regional Government departments, local authorities, the University of the Azores, chambers of commerce, the social sector, among others.
In turn, eligible areas of cooperation cover research and development, business competitiveness, climate change and risk prevention, cultural and environmental heritage, and biodiversity.