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Ponta Delgada

Government in meeting in the USA to stimulate partnerships between enterprises and centers of investigation

The regional director for Public Works and Land Transports leads, in representation of the president of the Government, the Azorean delegation that, to invitation of the organization of the World Connex Summit 2008, participates in the annual meeting of the enterprise Globestar System, which happens in South Carolina, the United States.

Besides Paulo Meneses, the Azorean representation in the forum, intended for the presentation of the results of the application of the products that that enterprise of technologies of information and communication makes available at present for areas as different as the health and the security, integrates an element of the Regional Directorate for Science and Technology (DRCT).

For the regional director for Science and Technology, the presence in this meeting is covered of a very particular importance since the Government is sponsoring a pioneer project of partnership between that enterprise and the Center of Volcanology and Evaluation of Geological Risks of the University of the Azores, having in mind the creation of a precocious system of alarm and warning for the answer to situations of emergence provoked by natural dangers.

It is an innovatory action that will be able to turn in an extremely interesting product not only for the application in the Region, namely at the level of the services of civil protection whether regional, whether local, but also in other regions, it indicated João Luís Gaspar.

As he added, the constitution of private-public partnerships that turn in the creation of new products, processes or services is the great bet of the Executive of Carlos César in the domain of the investigation and development for the period 2008-2013 and the project that is current demonstrates clearly how is it that centers of investigation and enterprises can collaborate with the objective to innovate.

The Government claims that these experiences serve to set in the Region enterprises that find here potential to be differentiated and hopes that the success of the cooperation now begun has reflexes in other projects that are current, namely in what it respects to the development of the Technological Park of S. Miguel, directed for the Technologies of Information, Communication and Monitoring, he told.

The Regional Directorate for Science and Technology and the Globestar Systems already made several meetings of work real in this context, being this one of the enterprises interested in coming to be established on the Technological Park.


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