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Informação: Regional Inspectorate of Fisheries carried out more than 1,200 inspections between January and August 2017
The Regional Inspectorate of Fisheries (IRP) has conducted 1,245 inspections under 564 missions carried out on all islands until August 31, covering a total of 3,812 tonnes of fish. In the same period of 2016, the IRP carried out 425 missions. This means that the number of missions increased 33% in 2017, compared to the previous year. As for the total number of inspections, 1,033 focused on prof... Mais >>

Informação: Sérgio Ávila highlights entrepreneurs' confidence in the Region's economic growth
The Vice-President of the Government highlighted the "very significant increase in private investment" in the Azores, reflecting the "growing confidence" of entrepreneurs in the growth of regional economic activity. "Therefore, I can announce that, to date, 661 new private investment projects have already been presented under the new incentive scheme, Competir +, which will represent a business in... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government promotes 4th edition of "AçorExpo" 2017 fair
The Regional Government of the Azores promotes the 4th edition of the "AçorExpo" fair at Portas do Mar (Sea Gateways) in Ponta Delgada, from tomorrow until Sunday, September 10, with the aim of enhancing the visibility of regional products and services as well as its consumption and acquisition in domestic and foreign markets. This event is part of the "Azores Export 2017" plan. The initiati... Mais >>

Informação: Azores and Canary Islands identify potential for export of Azorean products
The Government of the Azores promoted Monday a meeting between the Government of the Canary Islands and regional social partners in order to identify the potential for export of regional products to that Spanish archipelago. "This was a very important meeting because it allowed us to identify our export potential, that is, the sectors in which we have comparative advantages in terms of exports. T... Mais >>

Informação: Government of the Azores promotes products of 56 artisans at Sea Week, Praia Festivities and Whalers' Week
With the aim of promoting and boosting the sales of Azores Handicrafts, namely certified craft products, the Vice-Presidency of the Government promotes three exhibitions (M. ART) and the participation of 56 craft companies during the Sea Week on Faial Island, Praia Festivities on Terceira and Whalers’ Week on Pico Island. M. ART – Sea Week, included in Expomar, runs until August 13 a... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government supports 142 handicrafts projects
The Government of the Azores, through the Vice-Presidency, will allocate more than 240 thousand Euros to 142 projects to be developed in the area of handicrafts, which represent a global investment exceeding 447 thousand Euros. The projects that applied to Incentive Scheme for the Development of the Azores Handicrafts this year comprise several areas, ranging from training to innovation of craft p... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government and Algeria open doors to trade relations
The Regional Assistant Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations received the Ambassador of Algeria to Portugal, Fatiha Selmane, at an audience held today in Ponta Delgada. It had "a very important meaning" for starting a process of opening relations between the Region and this North African country, namely in the field of trade. "The Ambassador showed interest in our agriculture, animal... Mais >>

Informação: Azores Handicrafts has its own stand at the Lisbon International Fair
The Vice-Presidency of the Government promotes the participation of the Azores and regional companies in the (FIA) that runs until July 2. It is estimated to register more than 100 thousand visitors. In this edition of the largest fair of the Iberian Peninsula in this area, the Azores Handicrafts presents a new stand with an area of 225 m2, which includes a dozen business modules for companies a... Mais >>

Informação: Programmes of "Azores World Brand" series to be aired in the United States of America
The programmes of the "Azores World Brand" series, an initiative of the Vice-Presidency of the Government to promote and increase the projection of regional products certified with this seal of origin, will be aired this month in the USA on the Portuguese Chanel. This channel, which has existed for 40 years, is the only one that broadcasts directly from the United States of America and exclusively... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean products at National Agricultural Fair in Santarém
Meat and milk are some of the Azorean products to be featured at the 54th National Agriculture Fair, which runs from Saturday in Santarém. It is expected to receive about 200 thousand visitors. This event, which is the oldest and largest of its kind in the country, also includes the 64th Ribatejo Fair. Azorean products will be on display at a 143-square metre stand, an organisation of Uni... Mais >>

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