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Informação: Government acknowledges economic potential of Azores Handicrafts
The handicrafts of the Azores "should be valued as an activity with economic potential and importance instead of being recognised just for the preservation of memory or traditional manufacturing methods," defended the Regional Secretary for the Economy in Lagoa today. The government official ensured that "the Azorean Government has recently introduced some changes to the Handicrafts Incentive Sche... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro announces drop in port fees for export sector
The Regional Secretary for the Economy, Vasco Cordeiro, announced today a drop in port fees for the shipment of cargo in 20 and 40 feet containers, which represents "an average difference of less than 25 percent, compared to the port fees for imported 20 and 40 feet containers." Vasco Cordeiro spoke to the media at the end of a work meeting with the board of directors of the company Portos dos A... Mais >>

Informação: Government determined to support companies overcoming the current economic context
The Government of the Azores "is determined and committed to creating the necessary conditions for regional companies successfully overcome the economic crisis and difficulties in accessing bank funding, the Regional Secretary for the Economy said, assuring that the examples of success "do not dazzle us: we are aware of the difficulties that companies are facing. We are equally determined to overc... Mais >>

Informação: Government and chambers of commerce promote traditional trade
The Regional Secretary for the Economy urged businesspeople in the traditional trade sector to use "the funds made available by the Incentive Scheme for the Regional Development of the Azores, particularly at the level of commercial urban projects. These support measures may provide a significant contribution for companies to overcome difficulties resulting from the national and international cris... Mais >>

Informação: Government moves forward with Regional Employment Enhancement Programme by supporting the financing of companies
The Vice-President of the Regional Government announced in Ponta Delgada today that the Azorean Government will ensure the financial support in the amount eight million Euros to regional companies at risk due to economic difficulties. Sérgio Ávila explained at a press conference that the reimbursable and interest-free financial support provided by the Regional Government, under the Emp... Mais >>

Informação: Incentive schemes for businesspeople reinforced, says Vasco Cordeiro
The Regional Secretary for the Economy urged all businesspeople wishing to invest on any island "to submit their applications under the Incentive Scheme for the Regional Development of the Azores as the funds are already assured by the government and, therefore, there is no reason to fear a failure in these support measures." Vasco Cordeiro spoke during an information session on the new rules of ... Mais >>

Informação: "Investing more, better and faster" are the goals of "Zero Licensing” initiative
The Government of the Azores is finalising the launch of a legislative initiative designated as "Zero Licensing" which is intended to "reduce administrative costs by eliminating licenses, permits, inspection and previous conditioning for certain activities, particularly those integrated in trade, services, storage, restaurant and beverage sectors," announced the Regional Secretary for the Economy ... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean Government proud of the work developed to support businesspeople, defends Vasco Cordeiro
The Regional Secretary for the Economy is "very pleased" to see that the investment made by the company Bee-Clean in the Azores has met the expectations that have led to its implementation in the archipelago. Bee-Clean, owned by an Azorean emigrant residing in Canada, José Correia, is currently the largest Canadian company providing cleaning services to companies, having been visited by Vas... Mais >>

Informação: Governo Regional sai em defesa das empresas regionais
O Secretário Regional da Ciência, Tecnologia e Equipamentos saiu hoje em defesa das empresas regionais, afirmando que o Governo Regional tem garantido instrumentos legais que protejam a economia açoriana dos “truques” das empresas nacionais. Aquando de um lançamento de um concurso público, as empresas que indicarem preços abaixo dos 15 por cento relativam... Mais >>

Informação: Carlos César sublinha que os Açores têm condições únicas para atrair o investimento privado
O Presidente do Governo dos Açores disse hoje que há na região condições únicas de atractividade para os investidores privados, não só pelas medidas de apoio em vigor, como pelo facto de ser menor a carga fiscal. Carlos César afirmou, a propósito, que “se a pressão fiscal será agora aumentada – passando o diferencial de tr... Mais >>

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