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Informação: Civil Protection Launches Contest of Ideas in Azorean schools
The Regional Secretary for Health announced in Angra do Heroísmo the second edition of the Contest of Ideas of Civil Protection Clubs in Azorean Schools. "This is an opportunity for students to enhance their knowledge about prevention in a creative and recreational manner, while promoting it in school and family contexts," said Rui Luís. The government official spoke on the sidelines of... Mais >>

Informação: Humanitarian Associations of Voluntary Firefighters to receive this week 10% increase in funding of urgent patient transport services
The Resolution approved by the Council of the Government increasing the monthly sum allocated to Humanitarian Associations of Volunteer Firefighters by 10%, with retroactive effect from July 1, was published today in the Official Journal. With this Resolution, the Regional Government's financing for this component will reach the annual amount of 3.4 million Euros, which will be allocated to all H... Mais >>

Informação: 30 million-Euro investment in streams to ensure safety of people and property, says President of the Government
The President of the Government announced today that 30 million Euros have already been invested in the cleaning and maintenance of streams as well as in the prevention of flood risk throughout the Region since 2013 with the aim of safeguarding the safety of people and property. "All this work has a very simple goal: the safety of people and goods and, for this reason, are investing in the variou... Mais >>

Informação: President of the Government delivers new ambulances to fire brigades
The President of the Government delivered new ambulances to fire brigades on the island of São Miguel, being the first of a total of 30 vehicles. They represent an investment of about 1.5 million Euros to reinforce the response capacity of Civil Protection services. "These ambulances are part of a set of 30 vehicles. In this regard, the Government will publish today the international public ... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro congratulates firefighters who became Vice-Champions of the World in Trauma
The President of the Government congratulated in Praia da Vitória the team of Volunteer Firefighters who won the second place in the World Trauma Championship that was recently held in Cape Town, South Africa. "This excellent performance, which confers prestige to the Autonomous Region of the Azores, clearly demonstrates the level of competence, training and preparation of Praia da Vitór... Mais >>

Informação: Rui Luís defends that civil protection training for local authorities ensures safe and consolidated civil protection system
The Regional Secretary for Health stated in Povoação that the investment in training and awareness-raising actions for local authorities falls within the consolidation of a safe civil protection system of excellence. "Considering the proximity to citizens and knowledge on the ground, local authorities play a key role when it comes to building bridges with communities in the area of civi... Mais >>

Informação: Rui Luís ensures implementation of measures to improve air evacuation procedures
The Regional Secretary for Health stated today in Horta that all rules and procedures will be implemented to increasingly reinforce the effectiveness of the Air Evacuation Unit in the Azores. "There are improvements to be made to the system, improvements in communication and improvements in procedures, thus reinforcing what needs to be solved," said Rui Luís, who spoke at the Legislative Asse... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro announces investments to provide fire brigades with new equipment
The President of the Regional Government announced on the island of Flores an investment of around 2.2 million Euros to provide regional fire departments with new ambulances and personal protective equipment for search and rescue operations. Vasco Cordeiro spoke at the opening of the rehabilitation and expansion works of Santa Cruz das Flores Fire Station, an investment of nearly 700 thousand Euro... Mais >>

Informação: Rui Luís emphasises relevance of rescue mechanisms available in the Azores in case of natural disaster
The Regional Secretary for Health stated in Ribeira Quente, São Miguel Island, the availability and readiness of rescue mechanisms to assist the Azorean population in case of catastrophe. "We are constantly encouraging cooperation among various entities and we are confident in the existing protection mechanisms in the Azores," said Rui Luís. He spoke on the sidelines of Açor18 dril... Mais >>

Informação: Emergency responders on standby due to passage of storm Helene
According to the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), the Tropical Storm Helene is expected to hit the Azores from Saturday, starting in the Western Group. According to the IPMA's latest statement, Western Group islands are under red rainfall warning, which is in effect from Saturday noon and may be extended to all day Sunday. For the Central Group, IPMA has issued an orange warnin... Mais >>

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