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<Outubro de 2024>

Santa Maria
São Jorge
São Miguel


Atualizado em: 22-11-2021 
(valor final da campanha de 2021)



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Found a Corys Shearwater?
Call the sos environment hotline

800 292 800

(linha gratuita disponível 24 horas)
(free emergency line 24 hours)

    Every year, the Regional Government of the Azores develops the SOS Cagarro Campaign aiming particularly to increase awareness in the Azorean population to the need of preserving this protected species, which nests in the Azores. 

    The Campaign takes place in the Azores since 1995 with the main goal of engaging people and organizations in the rescue of young Cory’s Shearwaters found along and in close proximity to the roads. Some of the young Cory’s Shearwaters saved in the Azores more than 7 years ago have already returned to our archipelago to mate and build their nests. The SOS Cagarro Campaign runs from the 15th of October to the 15th of November
, time when the young Cory’s Shearwaters leave the nest for their first transoceanic flight, and is organized around two sectors: Environmental Education and Nature Conservation.

    In order to disseminate information about the most appropriate aid in case of collision or running over of a young Cory’s Shearwater, the Regional Government of the Azores undertakes various activities to promote awareness and environmental education in regional schools through the Regional Network of Ecotecas . In addition, promotional and educational material is distributed to those involved in the Campaign (volunteers, etc.). 

    At the same time, the Environmental Services of each Island, together with the Ecotecas, organize information sessions and, together with associate entities and partners, rescuing brigades on the field for the collection of juvenile Cory’s Shearwaters that will be released the following morning.

The Cory’s Shearwater is a fascinating and emblematic seabird!

_The great trip to the South
• Once they leave the nest, the young Cory's Shearwaters, of only 3 months old, make their first big trip of hundreds of kilometers across the Atlantic Ocean.

_Adapted to life at sea
• They are excellent fliers, gliding among the waves for hours almost without hitting their long and flexible wings. Each nostril is associated with glands that expel the salt from the sea water.

_Living in communities
• The Cory’s Shearwaters live in groups year-round, on land and at sea, where they form aggregations called " jangadas " in the late afternoon. They are often found in association with dolphins and tuna, benefiting from their presence to capture food in shallow waters.

_The singing
• Every night, from March to October, and a bit all over the Azorean islands, one can hear the interesting sound of the Cory’s Shearwaters returning to their colonies. It sounds like the croaking of a frog or the mewing of a cat.

_Azores: honeymoon destination
• Every year, the Cory’s Shearwaters choose the Azores to mate and raise their newborn young. They can do it for thirty years, from the time they reach adulthood, at 7 years of age, to the age of 40, maximum known longevity for the species.

• The Madeiran and Azorean population of Cory's Shearwaters represents about 85% of the world population of the species and the other 15% being resident in the Canary and having some breeding pairs still in Berlengas Island (BirdLife International, 2014). The vas majority of the population of Cory's shearwaters inhabits the Atlantic during the bob-breeding season.
The species Calonectris borealis is contained in the Annex II of the Legislative Decree n.º 316/89 of the 22 nd of September (Berne Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats) and of the Annex A-I of the Executive Order n.º 49/2005 of the 24 th of February ( Habitats Directive).

_Why is it so important to participate in the conservation of the Azorean Cory's Shearwater?
Several factors threaten to the conservation of this species:

•the destruction of their nesting habitat due to the introduction of exotic plants and animals, urban growth and coastal roads network; •the capture for various purposes, including obtaining bait; •the high mortality during autumn, coupled with the running-over and collision of juvenile Cory’s Shearwater on the roads and localities.

Despite the fact that the Azores possesses the world's largest population of the subspecies Calonectris borealis (85%), the European population of Cory’s Shearwaters has an unfavorable conservation status and has been decreasing in recent decades

Listen how the Cory’s Shearwaters sound like


Poster SOS Cagarro

Flyer SOS Cagarro


For rescues, registration in the brigades, organization of educational and awareness projects or to inform the number of rescues provided by private initiatives:

[email protected]

Cory’s Shearwater Campaigns in other latitudes

The friendly Cory’s Shearwater is an illustrious inhabitant of our Azorean coasts. However, it is also found in other latitudes, in and out of Portugal, although, unfortunately, it is threatened all over the map. But in the other latitudes visited by the Cory’s Shearwater, there are others who, like us, rallied and undertook actions to assist the Cory’s Shearwaters and see their population increase.

Here you can find information on the other Cory’s Shearwater rescue campaigns we have been getting to know. We started with the campaign in the neighbor archipelago of Madeira, but soon others will join in this space.

The campaign " Salve uma Ave Marinha ”, organized by SPEA, was created due to the presence of seabirds, whose status is regulated by different laws of conservation in the Madeira archipelago, and that are continually are affected by lighting. This campaign is very similar to ours in many points. We wish all the best to " Salve uma Ave Marinha "!

Madeira - Salve uma ave marinha

The non-profit association "Amigos de la Pardela Cenicienta", from the Canary islands, promotes the rescue of seabirds, including the Cory’s Shearwater and environmental education activities.

Canary islands - Amigos de las Pardelas

SEO/Birdlife considered Cory’s Shearwater "Ave do Ano 2013" (Bird of the Year 2013), providing a webpage with materials and information on this species.

SEO/Birdlife - Pardela cenicienta

Calendário de Eventos
<Outubro de 2024>
<Outubro de 2024>
Últimos conteúdos
“O Cagarro”
“Cagarro, cagarrinho”
“Aves vindas do mar”
"DJ Cagarro Master"




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