The first step was to prepare a diagnosis of the sustainability of tourism in the Lands of Priolo. This was achieved by identifying the principal factors relating to tourism, cultural and natural resources, the socio-economic status, current tourism activities, as well as natural values of the protected area, their main threats and vulnerabilities. This diagnosis was completed by using the available information and through participatory meetings in all of the parishes and municipalities covered by local tour operators. Over 100 people participated in this diagnosis.
The culmination of the diagnostic process was the realization of the First Forum of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in the Lands of Priolo, in May 2011. Based on the principles of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, the crucial data obtained were presented, resulting in a more concrete diagnosis defining the potential, problems and proposals for action related to tourism and sustainability in the Lands of Priolo. Over 50 participants attended the first forum, each representing different entities of the territory.
Subsequently, the First Forum was followed by a revision of the diagnosis for the inclusion of comments and proposals obtained from the participants, as well as the inclusion of missing information considered relevant.

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