During the Azorean settlement, the forest was paramount for the installation and expansion of the first inhabitants, providing the necessary supply of essential resources. In 1948, the intensive use of these resources led the Forest Services to develop the implementation of the Forest Restocking Plan, through a special project of afforestation of commonage land.
The circumstances in which this project was carried out are memorable, due to the lack of means, harshness of the conditions and the range of action.
This center is located in the municipality with the largest forested area in São Miguel. Inserted in the Recreational Forest Reserve, next to a forest nursery, it aims to honor all those who contributed, in some way, with their work and dedication to the Azorean forests, publicize the work of the Forest Services in the various areas of intervention and promote forest resources.
Centro de Divulgação Florestal do Nordeste
Rua do Poceirão
9630-171 Nordeste
Phone: 296 480 570
Email: info.sfn@azores.gov.pt
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