Visit the Interpretation Centers which feature information regarding the Lands of Priolo and learn about conservation relating to the objectives being developed in the territory. In particular, the Special Protection Area of Pico da Vara / Ribeira do Guilherme - Priolo Environmental Center and the Furnas Lake Ecosystem inserted in the Spatial Plan of the Basin of Furnas Lake - Furnas Monitoring and Research Center (CMIF).
Discover the microbial biodiversity of the Azorean thermal springs and experience the "Thermal Cafeteria", which demonstrates the historical and cultural uses of these springs - Furnas Microbial Observatory (OMIC).
Learn more about our forest resources, particularly those characteristic of the Azorean forest, regarding the production of endemic, exotic, timber producing and aesthetic plants - Forestry Dissemination Center of Nordeste.
Get to know the customs and traditions of the villages of the Lands of Priolo which are offered in small museum centers. There you will see agricultural tools and household objects linked to emigration and the worship of the Holy Spirit.
Discover and appreciate the traditional instruments used in the time of wheat harvest, complemented with thorough information on the cultivation of cereals in the municipality of Povoação, formerly called "Granary of the Island".
Ethnographic Museum of Nordeste | Museum Achada | Wheat Museum