Species that naturally belong to a location, but that are not exclusive to it.

Foto Paulo Henrique Silva | SIARAM
Common Heather Calluna vulgaris
Description Small, highly branched evergreen bush, small leaves more or less triangular and opposite. Flowers in terminal racemes, pink petals form a bell shaped corolla. Fruit is a dry capsule. Common on dry hillsides and recent lava flows, to 2,300 m.
Taxonomic Status Native to Macaronesia
Conservation Status Non evaluated

Cape Myrtle Myrsine retusa
Description Dioecious highly branched evergreen shrub with alternate, simple, toothed leaves to 10 x 8 mm. Flowers in groups of 3-9, with petals forming a corolla of 4 to 5 lobes, to 1.5 mm diameter. Pulpy red fruit with 1 seed. Abundant in hedges, steep hillsides and forests of Azorean Juniperus, from 300 to 900 m.
Taxonomic Status Native
Conservation Status Non evaluated

Faya Tree Morella faya
Description Dioecious evergreen tree or shrub, to 10-16 m. Pale green oblanceolate leaves, slightly pointed to 10 x 3 cm, with some toothed glands and margins. Yellow-green flowers, each with 4 stamens. Fruit is a pulpy drupe of 4-6 mm. In the past this was the dominant tree of the low altitudinal forest; although it has been replaced by the Australian Cheesewood in extensive areas, still common below 600 m.
Taxonomic Status Native to Macaronesia
Conservation Status Least concern

Tree Fern Culcita macrocarpa
Description Rhizome densely covered in reddish-brown scales. Leaves in tufts. Marginal sori covered by the apex of the segment and by the two valve indusium, 2-4 mm. Tetrahedral spores. Dispersed in natural meadows, ravines, old Cryptomeria plantations and forests of Juniperus and Laurel, above 300 m.
Taxonomic Status Native to Macaronesia
Conservation Status Non evaluated

Foto Paulo Henrique Silva | SIARAM
Rooting Chainfern Woodwardia radicans
Description Ascendant rhizome. Pendent leaves. Lamina pinnate, ovate-lanceolate. Segments are scythe-shaped, serrulate. Oblong sori, to 3 mm. Elliptic spores. Vegetative propagation is frequent. Locally common in ravines, hillsides, old forests of Laurel or Australian cheesewood, from 50 to 950 m.
Taxonomic Status Native species
Conservation Status Non evaluated

Royal Fern Osmunda regalis
Description Short stem, upright leaves in dense tufts with grouped sporangia. Homosporous with green spherical spores. Common on steep hillsides, ravines and forests of Juniper, sometimes on coastal cliffs, from 500 to 1,000 m.
Taxonomic Status Native to Macaronesia
Conservation Status Non evaluated
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