The Lands of Priolo present a high altitudinal gradient, ranging from sea level to the highest peak in São Miguel, Pico da Vara, with 1105m. It also comprises a wide range of edafoclimatic conditions that allow the presence of several different habitats with several vegetation associations present.
The Nature Reserve of Pico da Vara and the Protected Areas for the Management of Habitats or Species of Tronqueira and Planalto dos Graminhais are areas with higher altitude and very frequently covered by mist, where we find the most intact natural vegetation communities, the Laurel forest. This forest is native from the humid forests present in the Tertiary in all the south of Europe and disappeared millions of years ago during the glaciations. For this reason, this forest presents a high endemicity index. Apart from the tree species, this forests possess an important shrubby undercover with ferns and bushes, some of which are also endemic.
Learn more about the vegetal species that can be found in the Lands of Priolo:
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