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Ponta Delgada ,  June 10, 2013

Regional Director for Communities visits Brazil and Uruguay

The Regional Director for Communities begins a trip to Brazil and Uruguay on Tuesday, which will take place until June 21. This visit will be an opportunity for establishing contact with several entities in the emigrant communities and of Azorean descent residing in these two South American countries.

Paulo Teves begins his trip in the State of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, where he will meet with the board of the local House of the Azores. On the following day, he has scheduled meetings with the board of the Portuguese Cultural Institute, the Secretary for Culture of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, the Vice-Consul of Portugal in Porto Alegre and with the Mayor of Gravataí. Paulo Teves will also meet with members of the community of Azorean decent residing in the region of Porto Alegre.

On Thursday, June 13, the Regional Director for Communities will meet with the board of the House of the Azores of São Paulo and with the community of Azorean emigrants residing in that Brazilian state. On June 14 and 15, Paulo Teves will visit the State of Santa Catarina, where he has scheduled meetings with the Centre of Azorean Studies of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, the Mayor of Florianópolis, the Franklin de Cascaes Cultural Foundations, the board of the House of the Azores of Santa Catarina Island and with the community of Azorean descent living in that state.

On June 16, Paulo Teves will visit Rio de Janeiro, where he will meet with the board of the local House of the Azores, the community of Azorean emigrants and Azorean descendants residing in Rio de Janeiro. In addition, the government official will visit the Irmandades de Devoção Particular do Divino Espírito Santo of Vila Isabel and Catumbi.

The following day marks the beginning of the visit to Uruguay, where the Regional Director for Communities has scheduled meetings with the Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of Portugal in Montevideo, the Mayor of the Municipality of San Carlos, the board of the House of the Azores of Uruguay and with the community of Azorean descent living in this country, including a meeting with the dance and theatre groups and the Portuguese school of the House of the Azores of Uruguay.

The Regional Director will return to Brazil to visit the State of Bahia, where there is also an Azorean community. The government official has scheduled meetings with Portuguese and Azorean institutions in São Salvador da Bahia.
The trip to Brazil and Uruguay was organised with the purpose of following up the work up developed by several associations of Azorean origin. This visit is also a clear demonstration of the recognition and close presence of Azorean culture in both countries, either in the context of the emigration to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in the 20th century or in the context of the emigration paths to South Brazil and Uruguay 250 years ago.


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