The Public Library and Regional Archive of Horta practices the competences that are attributed to it by the Regional Regulation Decree nº 13/2001/A of the 7th of November, namely those that are enumerated in the 11th Article of that diploma.
It competes to the public libraries and regional archives:
a) To promote the execution of the regional archive politics and of economics of the library in accordance with the directions of the DRaC;
b) To incorporate the documentation of the central, regional and local administrations and that of other entities, in the legal terms;
c) To secure the treatment, the conservation and the diffusion of the documentary patrimony to its guard;
d) To give technical and logistic support to the libraries integrated in the net of public reading;
e) To coordinate the access to its collections and to continue specific strategies of preservation, namely in the promotion of transfer of supports and its diffusion;
f) To promote the quality of the archives while fundamental resource of the administrative activity;
g) To practice, in representation of the Region, the right of preference in the alienation of bibliographical and archive assets of cultural value;
h) To promote diligence next to the town councils and other public and private entities in the possession of documentary funds with cultural value so that these are properly preserved and treated according to uniform rules of inventory, classification and indexation;
i) To organize and to promote actions of formation, with sight to improve the scientific, technical and professional level of its officials;