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Jorge António de Medeiros Borges e Cunha
Born on: 8/28/1959
Jorge António de Medeiros Borges e Cunha was born in Horta on the island of Faial and has lived since his childhood in Santa Cruz da Graciosa, where he holds the position of Director of the Graciosa Museum. He holds a degree in History as well as a Postgraduate degree and a Master's degree in Heritage, Museology and Development from the University of the Azores. He is a Senior Technician at the Regional Directorate for Culture. For over two decades, he has been active in Graciosa's community as a founding partner of different associations. His activities in associations, as leader or collaborator, have focused on the youth, sports, socio-cultural and recreational areas (education, environment, theatre, dance, traditional and classical music, choirs and philharmonic bands, among others). He is the author of several monographs and articles. He has delivered several papers and conferences in Portugal and abroad (Spain, Belgium, United States of America and Brazil) on youth and cultural associations. He collaborates on a regular basis with magazines, newspapers, radio and television programmes in his area of expertise. In 2006, he was decorated by the Regional Government of the Azores at the 5th Gala of Azorean Sports in the “Personalities" category as a leader with more than 20 years dedicated to sport.