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Ponta Delgada ,  July 13, 2015

Vasco Cordeiro announces strengthening of support for large families with children attending daycare

The President of the Government announced today the strengthening of support to families with more than two children attending daycares in the archipelago, stressing that this is one of the results of an Autonomy that produces benefits for the Azorean population.

"Fulfilling a commitment already taken, I can announce that the Regional Government will increase the discount that already exists for the second child, which will increase from 20 to 30 percent. Moreover, the government will reinforce the support for families with three or more children attending daycare by establishing a 50 percent discount in fees, "said Vasco Cordeiro.

In fact, families with have two children attending daycare in the Region will now benefit from a 30 percent discount in fees, while those with three or more children in these conditions will benefit from a 50 percent in fees.

Vasco Cordeiro spoke at the ceremony to lay the first stone of the future daycare of “Patronato de S. Miguel” to be built in Paim. At a time when it comes to reforming the Regional Autonomy, it is important to note that the support awarded by the Regional Government to the construction and redevelopment of infrastructures and attendance in daycare" is also the result of this Autonomy, which works for the benefit of Azorean citizens.

In his speech, the President of the Government recalled that the support for the construction of daycare facilities in Paim represents the fulfilment of a commitment made to the population, stressing the importance of the new infrastructure in the improvement of the conditions for children, which also means "better conditions to build the future of our Region."

"This is not an isolated case," Vasco Cordeiro said, recalling several partnerships between the Regional Government and Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS), including the construction of daycare facilities of "Santa Casa da Misericórdia" of Ponta Delgada and "Casa do Povo" of Água de Pau or renewal of the daycare facilities in Povoação, Nordeste, Angra do Heroísmo, Horta and on the island of Corvo.

"After all these interventions are concluded, we can say that we were able to reinforce the capacity of daycare facilities in the Region, which will now provide over two hundred vacancies to accommodate children at this age," the President of the Government said, highlighting the importance of these infrastructures in helping Azorean families reconciling family and professional life.


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