Information: Azores to submit application to Brussels for promotion of dairy products and wine in the USA, Canada and Macau, announces João Ponte The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry announced today that the Region, under the Azores Milk and Dairy Products Centre (CALL), "will submit an application to Brussels" for the promotion of dairy products and wine in order to "find new markets." João Ponte spoke at the end of the CALL meeting held in Ponta Delgada in which he participated for the first time as Secretary for Agric... more >> Information: Regional Government restates commitment to farmers in maintaining livestock extensification and measures for BVD The Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Forestry restated that the Government is preparing a proposal for the revision of PRORURAL+ to be submitted to the European Union. It is intended to open new applications to extensive livestock farming maintenance for farmers who ended their commitments in 2016. The request to the European Commission aims to increase the funding of this measure by trans... more >> Information: Cooperation between production and distribution is essential for agricultural diversification, says João Ponte The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated in Ponta Delgada that the cooperation strategies between producers and distribution are "a future investment in the growth and development of agricultural diversification in the Azores." João Ponte spoke on the sidelines of a visit to the premises of INSCO- Insular de Hipermercados, where he met with the Board of Continente Açore... more >> Information: Milk recording is indispensable tool for the management of successful farms in the Azores, says João Ponte The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated in Angra do Heroísmo that milk recording is "an indispensable tool for the management of successful farms." He added that, through this tool, there has been "a very interesting evolution" in the regional sector in terms of quantity and quality of milk produced. Milk recording is the evaluation of the quantity and quality of milk produ... more >> Information: Agricultural Service Station in Santo António to provide proximity service to nearly 400 farmers, says João Ponte The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry highlighted today the "various benefits" that the Agricultural Service Station in Santo António, São Miguel Island, will bring to nearly 400 farmers. They will be covered by the services to be provided by this unit located on the northern coast of Ponta Delgada. "It will greatly facilitate the lives of farmers," said João Ponte at... more >> Information: Brussels to allocate specific funds for the promotion of agricultural products of Outermost Regions affected by market difficulties The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry, João Ponte said the changes announced today by the European Commission for the campaigns aimed at the promotion of agricultural products in 2017 represent a "valuable opportunity for Azorean agriculture." The changes were announced during an information session that took place in Brussels and was attended by the Azorean agricultural sector,... more >> Information: Application periods to POSEI, PRORURAL+ aid and PRORURAL payments published today in the Official Journal The Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Forestry has opened the application period to the annual aid granted under POSEI and PRORURAL+ through an Implementing Order published today in the Official Journal. The submission of applications for payment requests and declaration of farm surface areas takes place from February 15 to May 15, with the exception of the aid for banana production that ru... more >> Information: João Ponte reaffirms Regional Government's strategy for the agricultural sector The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated that "the current situation of the Azorean agriculture sector in terms of modernisation, development and value generation is the result of the strategy followed by the Azores Government in the past." However, João Ponte stressed that "the strategy has to be in line with our expectations, the challenges we will face in the future and t... more >> Information: Government of the Azores to develop plan for organic farming and production, announces João Ponte The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry announced that he will develop, together with the operators working in this activity, a plan for organic farming and production. João Ponte believes that "the definition of a regional political strategy is imperative under the National Strategy for Organic Agriculture in order to support the sustainable growth of this production system. This... more >> Information: Regional Government proposes reinforcement of measure under PRORURAL+ to ensure farmers' commitment in maintaining extensive livestock farming The Government of the Azores will propose to the European Commission the revision of PRORURAL+ in order to enable the opening of new applications to the measure for the maintenance of the extensive livestock farming in the case of farmers who ended their commitments in 2016. The request to the European Commission aims to increase the funding of this measure by transferring funds from other measure... more >>