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Ponta Delgada ,  November 23, 2017

Regional Government allocates half a million Euros to develop new products and support innovative projects in the agricultural sector

The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry announced today the submission of applications for support to innovative projects and the development of new products in the agricultural sector under the PRORURAL + programme, amounting to half a million Euros. The application period will open in January.
João Ponte stated that the applications will be submitted under sub-measure 16.2, focused on the support to pilot projects and the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies. Individuals, legal persons as well as micro, small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the areas of production, processing or marketing of agricultural products may apply for this sub-measure.
"We are further contributing to the emergence of innovative projects that are capable of promoting productivity and efficiency in the agricultural sector, thus boosting its profitability and competitiveness," said the Regional Secretary. He spoke in Ponta Delgada at the end of a meeting with the Board of Unileite Cooperative.
The government official stressed that this measure is also an opportunity for the Azorean dairy industry to promote the development of projects and new products that may be enhanced in markets, which will improve the profitability of the whole sector.
"There is still a great potential for increased milk production. Producers are investing in the modernisation of the sector," said João Ponte. Regarding the last application period under PRORURAL+, namely sub-measure 4.1. on investment in the modernisation of farms, the government official added that "the farmers' demand was four times higher than the funds available." This clearly demonstrates the producers' capacity and confidence in the sector.
João Ponte stressed that this reality contradicts "what is sometimes we read and hear about the fact that the agricultural sector is bankrupt or on the edge of the abyss." Even though they have experienced a period of difficulties, farmers have been able to resists with the work and support provided by the Regional Government.
Moreover, the recent increase in the price of milk gives confidence and hope in a new cycle of growth and modernity.
According to the Regional Secretary, the major challenges of the agricultural in the Azores are as follows: continuing to focus on the quality of production and innovation, increasing and strengthening regional production by promoting the image of milk and meat produced in pastures, where there is great concern for animal welfare, and finding new markets.
João Ponte stressed that the role of innovation, science, knowledge and research are fundamental to the success and affirmation of regional agricultural production. All those who want to contribute to this component are welcome.


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