Regional Government opens next week applications to support training of young farmers
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry revealed today that application period for the Support Programme for the Training of Young Farmers (FORJAGRI) will open next week. This measure provides for the co-financing of expenses incurred with the improvement of skills and professional knowledge by those who are starting their journey in the agricultural sector.
“We are in a position to launch next week the first measure under the Young Farmer programme, designated as FORJAGRI. It will grant young farmers non-refundable support that will co-finance 50% of the training expenses submitted, corresponding to a maximum amount of 1,000 Euros,” said João Ponte.
The government official spoke at the end of a meeting with the Board of São Miguel Young Farmers' Association. On the occasion, he revealed that another support measure will soon be launched under the Young Farmer programme, which concerns complementary regional support to the PRORURAL+ premium for the first installation of young farmers.
“All young people who have entered the sector in the last five years will be able to benefit from this regional aid,” João Ponte said, adding that the regional aid reaches a maximum amount of 3,000 euros per year, which will be allocated according to the turnover of farms.
In the current Community framework, 242 young people have entered the agricultural sector in the Azores, whose first installation applications were supported.
The Regional Secretary stressed that, in the current legislative period, significant steps have been taken to promote the rejuvenation of the sector and to attract more young people to agriculture. In this context, the Young Farmer programme is a good example, seeing that it includes several specific support measures for innovation, modernisation and training.
"Besides these measures that we are now going to launch, there are others planned in terms aid increases, but they entail amendments to existing regional legislative decrees, which will only be carried out in the next legislative period," said João Ponte.