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Ponta Delgada ,  May 08, 2013

Regional Director for Communities highlights importance of "full integration" of emigrant and immigrant communities

The Regional Director for Communities said today in Ponta Delgada that the Azorean Government has sought to meet the needs of emigrants and immigrants in order to "promote their full integration" in the archipelago.

Paulo Teves welcomed a group of 15 students from the University of British Columbia, who are visiting the Azores. The government official presented a paper on the Azorean communities scattered throughout the world, also addressing the role of the Regional Government among emigrant and immigrant communities.

While presenting his paper to Sociology, Psychology, Geography, Economics and Art students, the Regional Director also mentioned the political and administrative system of the Region as well as the importance of the Autonomy of the Azores.

For Paulo Teves, it is important that the Azoreans who live abroad maintain their ties to the archipelago and contribute to the development of the Azores. He also mentioned their responsibility as a means of disseminating the Azorean cultural legacy to forthcoming generations.

In this regard, the Regional Director stressed "all the work that has been developed by Azorean communities in the dissemination of 'Azoreanity' and Autonomy."

This visit to the Azores is part of the Summer Course that is being held under the theme "Geographies of Migration and Settlement". The course is promoted by the University of British Columbia and taught by José Carlos Teixeira, a native of Ribeira Grande, who is a researcher and professor at that higher education institution. This initiative is taking place in the context of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the arrival of the first Azorean emigrants to Canada.

The group, who arrived in the Azores on May 5, will take part in various lectures and conferences that will be held at Fernando Pessoa University in Porto, Universidade Aberta and University of Lisbon from May 13 - 24.

This group is composed by students from Canada, North America, India, Japan, Vietnam and China.


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