Located on the eastern limits of the southeast region, Rio de Janeiro is bordered by Minas Gerais to the north and northeast, Espírito Santo to the northeast, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and to the south, and São Paulo to the southwest. It occupies an area of 43 909 sq km and its capital is the city of Rio de Janeiro.
The state’s most populous cities are: Rio de Janeiro, Nova Iguaçú, Niteroi, Duque de Caxias, São Gonçalo, São João de Meriti and Volta Redonda.
The state is divided in two major areas: the valley and the plateau, which are spread together in the same direction, from the coast to the centre.
The state’s main rivers are: Paraíba do Sul, Macaé, Guandu, Piraí and Muriaé. It enjoys a tropical climate.
Rio de Janeiro’s economy is based on industry (metallurgy, ironworks, chemical, mineral extraction, food, mechanical, editorial, graphical, paper and cellulose) and tourism.
Rio de Janeiro was founded after the captainship of S. Tomé and S. Vicente. The French settled the province between 1555 and 1567. Rio de Janeiro was elected to the city category in 1565.
In the 17th century, cattle breeding and sugar cane plantations gave a boost to the city development, consolidated in the 18th century with the gold exportation of Minas Gerais.
In 1763, Rio was elected the seat of the kingdom. The move of the Royal Family, in 1808, brought many benefits to the city.
In 1843, the city of Rio de Janeiro was elected to the municipality category, thus remaining as the capital of the country, and simultaneously the captainship to province, seated in Niterói.
In 1889, the city was elected capital of the Republic and the province was elected State.
In 1960, by the time Brasilia was designated the capital of the country, the municipality of Rio de Janeiro became the State of Guanabara.
In 1975, the states of Guanabara and Rio de Janeiro became the State of Rio de Janeiro, being the city of Rio de Janeiro its capital.
The State of Rio de Janeiro has 14 391 282 inhabitants (according to a 2000 census).
The municipality of Rio de Janeiro has 5 857 904 inhabitants.
Azorean’s Professional Activities in Rio de Janeiro
Until the late 30’s, Azoreans worked with milk production and trade, in dairies located all over the city. Nowadays, they work in small butcher shops, which are only 20% of the 80’s numbers, a result of the implantation of the Royal Plan (a drastic change in Brazilian economy, with the substitution of the coin, and other reasons, in 1994), which led the country to a huge recession.
These small butchers survive because of the economic stability acquired until the 90’s.
Milk production and meat trade activities were brought from the Azores.
Azorean descendants
Azorean families have prepared, and to this day prepare, their children to embrace liberal professions, such as engineers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, psychologists, business managers, accountants, dentists, vets, chemical engineers, biologists, university professors, economists, etc.