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Velas, São Jorge ,  January 23, 2014

Azorean Government promotes agreement between social institutions on São Jorge

In the context of the promotion of synergies between social institutions, the Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity signed today a principles agreement with the "Santa Casa da Misericórdia" of Velas and the Support Association for Children with Special Education Needs on the island of São Jorge for the implementation of an occupational activities centre and a nursing home for people with disabilities.

According to Piedade Lalanda, this agreement "is another example of institutional partnership and collaboration for the benefit of the citizens who need support." The government official stressed that the signing of this document evidences "two basic principles" of the new funding model for the network of social infrastructures - "cooperation and sharing of resources."

"The amendments to the funding model of Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS) and 'Santas Casas da Misericórdia' are based on these structuring principles," the Regional Secretary stated, noting that this new model is based on the principle of "fairness."

"We cannot duplicate investments unnecessarily," Piedade Lalanda said, defending that "the Region should promote these principles of cooperation and sharing of resources not to benefit the Government or institutions, but to the people who will benefit from these responses."

In this regard, Piedade Lalanda highlighted that both institutions have decided to join efforts and resources to "move forward with the new occupational activities centre," which will be installed at the premises of "Santa Casa da Misericórdia" and will be managed by the Support Association for Children with Special Education Needs.

The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity also stressed that "networking requires cooperation and sharing of resources," adding that the principles agreement was signed between the Government and the two aforementioned institutions with this purpose.

Piedade Lalanda conveyed her belief that the social mission of each institution will be fulfilled because they will be able to provide disabled people with "better conditions."

The Regional Secretary also considered that this investment "is a sign of hope" for families and for the community in general.


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