Regional Government committed to fighting against inequalities through networking, says Andreia Cardoso
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity highlighted today the importance of networking in the fight against inequalities, stressing that the Regional Government is "developing a training process" with the aim of "empowering local agents for the dissemination and implementation of Municipal Plans for Equality."
"The Regional Government is committed to promoting networking and pursuing, with a wide range of partners, the development of various strategies. They are intended to continue improving and ensuring the full adaptation of measures and structures for the prevention and mitigation of inequality in the Region," said Andreia Cardoso. The government official spoke in Lagoa at the opening session of the 3rd Regional Meeting of Good Practices on the Importance of Gender Equality.
In her speech, she defended that, although women's participation rate is significant, "there is still a long way to go."
In this regard, she emphasised the Government's commitment to the implementation of Regional Plans for Prevention and Combat to Domestic and Gender Violence. Since 2010, they have ensured the protection and support for victims, the rehabilitation of offenders and the production of knowledge on the phenomenon of violence, so as to better respond to the challenges arising.
The Regional Secretary also stressed the importance of developing strategic partnerships in the area of gender equality.
"The aim is to strengthen the involvement of civil society organisations in view of the proximity and the empirical knowledge that non-governmental organisations have about the territorial contexts where measures are being implemented and target groups," stated the government official,
The Secretary for Social Solidarity also stated that equality is a main concern of the Regional Government in the design of public social policies. This is clearly evident in the implementation of a series of measures for parenthood protection, non-discrimination and the reconciliation of personal and family life and professional life.
"The Regional Government has been reinforcing and improving the regional network of social responses, both in the area of childhood and youth, and in the various responses available for elderly care, such as Intergenerational Centres and the Home Support Services," said the government official.
Andreia Cardoso also recalled the proposal for Regional Legislative Decree establishing the Legal Support Scheme for Informal Caregivers "will give priority to the promotion of their well-being and to reconciliation of family responsibilities with their professional lives."