Regional Government to launch tender for allocation of more than 20 homes under lease scheme with purchase option
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity announced today in Santa Cruz da Graciosa that the Regional Government will soon launch tenders for the allocation of more than 20 homes with a lease scheme with purchase option on several islands.
Andreia Cardoso spoke at the ceremony for the granting of support for the rehabilitation of degraded housing on Graciosa, which was presided over by the President of the Government, Vasco Cordeiro, in the context of the statutory visit to this island.
The Regional Secretary pointed out that these competitions "will be specially directed to young couples so that they may the possibility of settling on their islands of origin."
In this regard, the Government will allocate 13 homes on São Miguel, four on Terceira, two on Graciosa, two on Santa Maria, one on Flores and another one on São Jorge, this measure being one of the responses provided by the Regional Government to the emerging needs in the housing market.
The Regional Secretary for Social Solidarity signed today the contracts for the granting of support for the rehabilitation of degraded housing on Graciosa with 11 families, thus "fulfilling their right to proper housing with all the safety and comfort."
Andreia Cardoso added that almost 70 families from Graciosa have already received support from the Regional Government in this legislative period for the improvement of housing conditions, an investment of about one million Euros.
"If we take a more comprehensive look, we have already invested almost 30 million Euros in the various regional housing programmes since 2016, supporting more than 3,100 Azorean families," added the Regional Secretary.