Regional Household Income Support Supplement covered more than 900 Azoreans in March
The Regional Household Income Support Supplement corresponding to the month of March has already begun to be paid to the 926 Azoreans benefiting from this support measure, namely employees, self-employed workers and domestic service workers.
This measure grants additional support of up to 150 Euros per month. It covers parents with children under 12 or, regardless of age, with disability or chronic illness, who are absent from work due to the suspension of teaching and non-teaching activities in schools or the closure of early childhood and disability centres.
The support now granted, amounting to more than 63 thousand Euros, is proportional to the period in which one of the spouses was absent for justified reasons, up to the maximum of the basic remuneration declared for this purpose, provided that it has been reduced.
This Regional Supplement was automatically allocated, following the submission of forms by 342 companies to the Social Security services, and is being paid by bank transfer by ISSA - Institute for Social Security of the Azores.
The Regional Household Income Support Supplement falls within the Immediate Support Measures adopted by the Regional Government in order to minimise the consequences on people's lives arising from the public health emergency caused by the COVID- 19 outbreak.