Regional Labour Inspectorate submits case of collective redundancy at Horta Hotel to Public Ministry
The Regional Labour Inspectorate (IRT) of the Regional Government has submitted to the Public Ministry the case regarding the collective dismissal of workers of Horta Hotel by the company Sotrium - Sociedade Turística Imobiliária, Lda.
This decision follows several inspections that have taken place either to ascertain the legal compliance of the procedure in question or to provide clarification and information to employees, the Horta Association of Tourism Workers and Services Sector and the hotel manager.
During an inspection visit that took place on April 17, 2013, with the purpose of determining the reasons for the non-timely payment of the March salaries to the 26 employees of the Horta Hotel, the IRT become acquainted with the company's intention of closing the hotel on May 31.
In the context of this visit, the IRT explained to the hotel manager and the workers the issues involving the collective redundancy process, including its legal compliance, the severance payments and overdue credits, as well as other issues arising from the termination of the work contracts.
The IRT has also established contacts with the Horta Association of Transport and Tourism Workers and Services Sector in order to provide information on the powers of the Regional Labour Inspectorate in this matter and the results of its intervention in the payment of overdue salaries.
Following the written notice dated from May 7 informing each worker about the company's decision of dismissing the 26 hotel workers and the submission of the notice to the Agency for Qualification, Employment and Labour of Horta, an information and negotiation meeting was organised with the workers' association on May 24; however, the parties have failed to reach an agreement.
Following the closing of the hotel on May 31, the Regional Labour Inspectorate has carried out several procedures, including six inspection visits on June 4, 20, 21, 25, 26 and 27 and has maintained contact with the company, the workers and their association.
The Regional Government will continue to monitor the situation as well as to ensure the monitoring of the workers dismissed in the collective redundancy process.