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Em Agricultura e Floresta:

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Informação: Vasco Cordeiro highlights partnership work that made Azorean agriculture a national reference
The President of the Government stressed the importance of Azorean agriculture at national level, pointing out the specific case of regional milk, meat and cheese productions in the context of national production. Under the Government's working visit to São Miguel, Vasco Cordeiro visited the Bovine Fattening and Finishing Centre of the Agricultural Union Cooperative. Created in 2008, it curr... Mais >>

Informação: More young people and diversification growth are important for sustainability of agriculture, says João Ponte
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry defended on São Miguel that the increase in the number of young farmers and the growth of diversification are of paramount importance to ensure the sustainability for agriculture. João Ponte visited today two farms in the municipality of Ponta Delgada, run by young farmers, pointing out the growth of 37% in diversification and the entry... Mais >>

Informação: Implementation rate of PRORURAL+ in the Azores above European average, says Regional Director
The Regional Director for Rural Development stated in Porto that PRORURAL+ is a fundamental tool in the development of the agricultural sector in the Azores. So far, it has reached an implementation rate of 52%, well above the European average, which stands at 32.5%. "This good implementation rate corresponds to payments amounting to 175.5 million Euros in terms of public expenditure: 155 million ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government challenges farmers to reduce dependence on aid by reducing farm costs and boosting production
The Regional Director for Agriculture stated on Terceira Island that farmers should increasingly focus on boosting production and reducing farm costs to improve income and depend less on aid. "The path to be followed involves animal genetic enhancement, the reduction of imported food to boost the profitability of agricultural activities and the decreased dependence on aid," said José Él... Mais >>

Informação: Technical cooperation between the Azores and Madeira contributes to development of agriculture, says João Ponte
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated that the technical cooperation between the Azores and Madeira is an important contribution to the development and qualification of agriculture in both Autonomous Regions. "Training sessions, technical visits or even the exchange of seeds are measures that should be reinforced and stimulated between both Autonomous Regions, as there is know... Mais >>

Informação: João Ponte says Plan for 2019 ensures appropriations for development of agriculture in the Azores
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated in Horta that the allocation of 62.3 million Euros under the 2019 Investment Plan ensures appropriations for agriculture to continue growing and developing in the Azores. "The Plan guarantees funding for agriculture to continue developing, modernising and becoming more competitive, while meeting the short-term needs of farmers, such as dro... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government has done everything to continue increasing milk price, says Regional Director for Agriculture
The Regional Director for Agriculture stated in Lagoa that the Government of the Azores is aware of the reality and has done everything, within the reach of its powers, so that the price of milk paid to Azorean producers continues to increase. "The Regional Government is attentive, being on the side of producers. However, it is important that industries invest and innovate, because good companies ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government considers investment in innovation and promotion as fundamental for promotion of dairy products
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated that it is fundamental to invest in quality, innovation and promotion of Azorean dairy products, such as cheese, to conquer new markets and establish them as products of excellence. "In the Azores, we have the best cheeses produced in the country, which, for their excellence, flavour, tradition and quality, deserve to be better paid. In or... Mais >>

Informação: Audit for renewal of international forest management certification on São Miguel conducted with "excellent results," says Regional Director
The Regional Director for Forest Resources highlighted the "excellent results" of the conducted by FSC® - Forest Stewardship Council® (License Code FSC® C119744) for the renewal of the Forest Management Certification of the Forest Perimeter and Regional Woods on São Miguel Island. "Five years after the Regional Directorate for Forest Resources was awarded the certificate, the ... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean farmers to receive 62 million Euros in advance under POSEI and PRORURAL+
Azorean farmers received today 62 million Euros in anticipated aid granted under POSEI and PRORURAL +, of which € 5.6 million Euros were allocated under the Regional Budget, announced the Azorean Government. This payment, anticipated in two months, reaches 85% of the amount provided for PRORURAL+ measures and 70% of direct payments under POSEI. The anticipated payment in POSEI aid from 50% ... Mais >>

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