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Em Agricultura e Floresta:

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Informação: João Ponte highlights relevance of cooperatives for development of agriculture in the Azores
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated today that agricultural cooperatives in the Azores, regardless of their size, are of paramount importance for their support to farmers as well as for development and value creation in the agricultural sector. "The contribution made by cooperatives over the years is undeniable in terms of processing the milk produced, reducing production ... Mais >>

Informação: Exceptional measure to support milk producers' income in line with restructuring strategy for the sector, says João Ponte
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated in Ponta Delgada that the Regional Government's proposal for a regional supplement to the dairy cow premium, amounting to 45 Euros, is in line with the restructuring strategy for the dairy sector. "This measure to support milk producers' income announced by the President of the Regional Government will not encourage producers to have mor... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government continues investments in agricultural infrastructures to help farmers facing future challenges, says João Ponte
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated today that the Regional Government continues, with total determination, the planned investments towards the modernisation of agricultural infrastructures. According to him, they are fundamental to reduce costs incurred by farms, to improve farmers' working conditions and to ensure the sustainability of one of the main economic activities i... Mais >>

Informação: PRORURAL+ and POSEI submission rate reaches 88.2% in the Azores
The Regional Director for Rural Development revealed that the application submission rate for the PRORURAL+ and POSEI programme already reaches 88.2%s in the Azores, a very relevant figure given that the deadline for submission of applications runs until June. "Taking as reference the total number of applications from last year, i.e. 7,986, the Region already registers an application submission ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government strongly committed to sustainability of São Jorge's dairy sector
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry assured that the Regional Government is strongly committed to the sustainability of the dairy sector on the island of São Jorge, considering that the proposal presented by the CDS/PP party regarding the possibility of converting dairy farms to beef cattle production is the wrong way. "The proposal now put forward by CDS/PP is the wrong way... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government opens applications for 540 suckler cow premium rights
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry revealed that applications for 540 suckler cow premium rights in the Azores will run from June 2 to July 10. The ordinance issued by João Ponte sets out the rules for the allocation of the rights available in the regional reserve. Farmers who, as of February 1, 2020, have not delivered milk during 2019 may apply for the allocation of thes... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government reveals that Graciosa Garlic is now protected as Geographical Indication (GI)
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry revealed that Graciosa garlic is now on the list of national products protected as Geographical Indication (GI), while the European Commission is assessing the application for certification as Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), with clear benefits in terms of the product's value and quality guarantees. “Today, the order was signed to... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government reveals that 4.6 million Euros have already been paid in advance under PRORURAL+ payment requests
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated that the Regional Government already transferred this month 4.6 million Euros for anticipated payments in the Azores under PRORURAL+ requests. This is a political measure that has enabled the transfer of significant amounts to anticipate validated payment requests under the PRORURAL+ programme, already submitted or under analysis. The in... Mais >>

Informação: Ordinance regulating support for producers with difficulties in exporting live cattle from Flores and Corvo after Hurricane Lorenzo already sent for publication
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry revealed that he has already signed and sent for publication in the Official Journal the ordinance regulating the granting of additional compensation to Flores and Corvo farmers, who have suffered losses arising from difficulties in exporting live animals, following the passage of hurricane Lorenzo in October 2019. “At the end of last week... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government is working to improve liquidity of the agricultural sector during pandemic
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated today that the Regional Government is working to improve the liquidity of the agricultural sector in order to mitigate the impacts of the current pandemic, without excluding the possibility of moving forward with other more robust initiatives if needed. "As for the liquidity of farms, we have already taken a series of measures, such as g... Mais >>

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