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Informação: Azorean Government defends improvement of European Commission's post-2020 CAP proposal
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry defended the improvement of the European Commission's proposal for the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which provides for 15% cuts in the Rural Development Programme and 3.9% cuts in POSEI. In this regard, he considered the current proposal unacceptable and urged Portugal, as Member State, to take up a "firm position" towards the defe... Mais >>

Informação: INTERREG Community funds contribute to preservation and sustainability of the Azores forest, says Regional Director
The Regional Director for Forest Resources highlighted in Canaries the good use that the Azores have made of INTERREG Community funds to preserve, improve and ensure the sustainability of the archipelago's forest. "The Regional Government is proud of the work that has been done in the preservation of forest on several islands as well as of the good implementation of these Community funds channell... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro highlights "absolutely remarkable path" followed by Agriculture in the Azores
The President of the Government highlighted the "remarkable progress" achieved by the agricultural sector in the Azores on occasion of the celebrations of the National Agriculture Day. According to him, this situation is also due to capacity demonstrated by regional farmers to overcome challenges. "The Azores have made an absolutely remarkable journey, not only in dairy sector but also in the enti... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government invests 3.3 million Euros in roads, electrification and water supply to farms on São Miguel Island in 2018
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry announced today that the Azorean Government will invest about 3.3 million Euros this year in roads, electrification and water supply to farms on São Miguel Island, creating better conditions for this sector. "The investment made in agrarian planning infrastructures on all islands is essential for the development of the agricultural sector a... Mais >>

Informação: João Ponte highlights importance of the visit of European Commissioner for Agriculture to the Azores
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry stated that the visit of the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Phill Hogan, to the Azores in June is an excellent opportunity to highlight the proper implementation of Community funds. It will also draw attention to what still needs to be done, while pointing out the specificities of the archipelago as an Outermost Region. "The Commissioner&... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government will do everything to prevent cuts in European funding for agriculture, says João Ponte
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry assured today that the Regional Government will do everything within its powers to prevent cuts in European funding under the Common Agricultural Policy, considering them unfair and unacceptable. "The entire path followed by the agricultural sector in the Azores in terms of modernisation, innovation and production growth cannot be compromised. H... Mais >>

Informação: João Ponte challenges Santa Maria farmers to further invest in agriculture
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry challenged farmers on Santa Maria Island to further invest in the agricultural sector and make use of public support. "Despite the low adherence of Santa Maria farmers to PRORURAL + programme, which has resulted in a very small number of applications, the Government believes in the island's productive and agricultural capacity. Therefore, it cha... Mais >>

Informação: João Ponte announces creation of action plan for the development of beekeeping in the Azores
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry announced today that the Azores will have an action plan for beekeeping, which is expected to be concluded by the summer. This document will guide and define measures for the development of this area in the medium and long-term. "It was important to have a guiding document and to define a series of measures for the development of the sector in t... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean Government celebrates Regional Production Day
The Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Forestry, through the Regional Directorate for Rural Development, will mark the Regional Production Day on April 26 with a seminar on the theme "Azores with added value" at the São Miguel Exhibition Park. Production, processing, innovation, cooperation and consumption are the areas that will be highlighted in this event. The opening session will b... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government opens applications for projects under PRORURAL+
The Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Forestry, through the Regional Directorate for Rural Development, opens next week a new application period for the submission of projects under eight sub-measures of the Programme for the Rural Development of the Azores - PRORURAL +. For this purpose, the Government will allocates an overall sum of 2.3 million Euros. Applications should be submitted t... Mais >>

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