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Informação: Regional Director for Communities urges joint efforts to promote Portuguese Language in the USA
The Regional Director for Communities, Paulo Teves, defended in California that the promotion and dissemination of Portuguese Language in the United States of America should be "a joint action between interested parties." "Policy makers, associations and their leaders, academic and school communities and parents should play a decision-making role in the creation of attractive and appealing mechan... Mais >>

Informação: Government wants to encourage Houses of the Azores to have "major role" in disseminating the Region
The Regional Under Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations said today in Horta that the Houses of the Azores and institutions representing Azorean communities in the Diaspora will be encouraged to "play a major role" in disseminating the Region. "In addition to its core functions in the preservation and promotion of "Azoreanity" (our identity and traditions), which have been successful... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Director for Communities visits California
The Regional Director for Communities will visit the Azorean communities in California, USA, from March 20-25. He will also participate in the 37th annual conference on Luso-American education, an event organised by the Luso-American Education Foundation; this year's conference will be held under the theme "Connecting the World through Languages and Cultures." On Wednesday, the first day of the ... Mais >>

Informação: Houses of the Azores have developed "dynamic and unifying role of 'Azoreanity' overseas"
The Regional Director for Communities defended that the Houses of the Azores around the world have developed a "dynamic and unifying role of 'Azoreanity' overseas." Paulo Teves participated in the celebration session of the 33rd anniversary of the House of the Azores of the North Region in the city of Porto. The government official praised the work developed by this institution for over three dec... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Government promotes close dialogue between communities in the Diaspora
The Regional Director for Communities, Paulo Teves, stressed the importance of community associations as a form of "promoting the full integration of Azorean emigrants" in Canada. The government official also called for a "greater interaction between associations for a better use of resources and synergies." Paulo Teves recently visited the Azorean communities residing in Canada and considered the... Mais >>

Informação: Rodrigo Oliveira announces "youth gathering from diaspora communities" in the Azores this year
The Regional Under Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations announced in Horta today that the Azores will host a "youth gathering from the diaspora communities" this year. "During 2013, we will certainly pay close attention to the role of youth in the context of our diaspora communities by bringing the new generations of Azorean descent closer to their land of origin as well as to thei... Mais >>

Informação: Rodrigo Oliveira highlights work developed by social service organisations in the Diaspora communities
The Regional Under secretary of the Presidency for External Relations, Rodrigo Oliveira, said the social service organisations in the Diaspora communities "are an example of the joint action and shared responsibility between different generations of Azoreans and the members of emigrant communities." Rodrigo Oliveira spoke at a meeting with the International Network of Social Service Organisations... Mais >>

Informação: Rodrigo Oliveira considers anthology on the Dabney family as a "celebration of friendship" in transatlantic relations
The Regional Director of the Presidency for External Relations, Rodrigo Oliveira, considered the anthology " The Dabneys: a Bostonian Family in the Azores (1806/1871)" as a "celebration of friendship between the United States and Portugal, between New England and the Azores," through the presence of this family in the archipelago. "There is no denying the importance of the Dabney family for the ... Mais >>

Informação: Paulo Teves visits Azorean communities in Canada
The Regional Director for Communities, Paulo Teves, starts on Wednesday, February 20, a visit to the Azorean communities residing in Canada to reinforce partnerships and monitor the work carried out by Azorean associations. On the first day of his visit, Paulo Teves will meet with the Mission Sainte-Croix in Montreal, followed by meetings with the Consul General of Portugal in Montreal, Fernando... Mais >>

Informação: Rodrigo Oliveira visits Azorean communities on the East Coast of the USA
The Regional Under Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations, Rodrigo Oliveira, starts Saturday, February 16, a visit to the Azorean communities residing on the East Coast of the United States. On the first day of his visit, Rodrigo Oliveira will attend the launching of the Anthology "The Dabneys: a Bostonian Family in the Azores" to take place at the New Bedford Whaling Museum at 2 PM.... Mais >>

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