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Informação: Rui Bettencourt participates in the 2nd Meeting of Investors of the Diaspora
The Regional Assistant Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations participates, on behalf of the President of Regional Government, in the 2nd Meeting of Investors of the Diaspora that will take place in Viana do Castelo on December 15 and 16. Rui Bettencourt will be accompanied by the Regional Director for Communities, Paulo Teves, Arnaldo Machado and Luis Leal; the latter two are members ... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Migration Council to be established in 2018
The Regional Assistant Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations announced in Horta the Regional Government's intention to create a Regional Migration Council in 2018. Rui Bettencourt spoke at the Legislative Assembly during the discussion of the Plan and Budget proposals for 2018. The government official underlined that this is an initiative to "raise the voice of emigration and immigrat... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Director for Communities defends importance of promoting Portuguese language in the Diaspora
The Regional Director for Communities defended in Hamilton the importance of the Portuguese language as "an asset in promoting a social and professional future as well as in strengthening intergenerational relations." Paulo Teves spoke Wednesday at the end of a visit to Bermuda Portuguese School and Vasco da Gama Club. He stressed that Portuguese language "has significant importance nowadays, whet... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Director for Communities highlights courage and dynamics of Azorean communities in Canada
The Regional Director for Communities highlighted in Canada the "courage" of the Azoreans who rebuilt their lives in another country, contributing to the progress of the societies where they live. "We can never be oblivious to the way the Azoreans learned how to make this space, so different from our islands, their new home," said Paulo Teves. He spoke Sunday at the closing of 17th Cultural Week o... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Director for Communities invites young people from Uruguay to promote Azorean Diaspora
The Regional Director for Communities stated in San Carlos, Uruguay, that the "involvement of young people" in associations to promote the Azorean Diaspora is essential to continue the legacy passed on to them. Paulo Teves spoke during the celebrations of the "Fiestas Azoriano-Carolinas." He stressed that having an active and participatory community that is proud of its roots, after centuries of ... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean cultural legacy highlighted in Florianópolis, Brazil
The Regional Director for Communities highlighted in Florianópolis, Brazil, the importance of the Azorean cultural legacy "in the formation and construction of Santa Catarina's society as well as in the identity of its people." Paulo Teves spoke Thursday at the signing ceremony of municipal law no. 10,290/2017 declaring 2018 as the "Year of the Azores in Florianópolis." The government of... Mais >>

Informação: Diaspora associations help disseminating the Azores, says Regional Director for Communities
The Regional Director for Communities stated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that the associations of the Azorean Diaspora have played "an important role in the dissemination of the Azores destination," especially in countries where there are Azorean communities. Paulo Teves spoke at the opening of the 12th Azorean Cultural Meeting, an initiative promoted by the House of the Azores of Rio de Janeiro. H... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Director for Communities visits Brazil and Uruguay
The Regional Director for Communities starts Friday a visit to Brazil and Uruguay where, in addition to meeting with the Azorean communities and their representatives, he participates in the 12th Azorean Cultural Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, the Cultural Week of the House of the Azores of São Paulo and the Azoriano-Carolinas Fiestas. Paulo Teves begins this visit in Rio de Janeiro, where he pa... Mais >>

Informação: 270 years since the arrival of Azoreans in Santa Catarina, Brazil, celebrated in 2018
The Regional Assistant Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations announced in Ponta Delgada that 2018 will be the year of the Azores in Florianopolis, Brazil, with the celebrations of the 270th anniversary of the arrival of Azoreans in Santa Catarina. Rui Bettencourt spoke Wednesday at the opening of the "Windows" exhibition by Joi Cletison, highlighting the "very strong" Azorean spirit a... Mais >>

Informação: "New era" in the Diaspora to boost the Azores in the world, says Rui Bettencourt
The Regional Secretary Assistant of the Presidency for External Relations stated in Toronto that we are seeing the emergence of a "new era" in the Diaspora. It will bring new challenges for the Houses of the Azores as well as for the Regional Government in the affirmation of the Azorean spirit and the presence of the archipelago in the world. Rui Bettencourt spoke at the opening session of the 20... Mais >>

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