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Informação: Exhibition on cultural diversity in the Azores opens in Ponta Delgada on May 8
The Government of the Azores will open the exhibition on "Migration and Diversity: Inclusive Azores" on Friday, May 8. It will be open to public until May 14, during the Holy Christ of Miracles Festivities, at the Chapel of São José Church in Ponta Delgada. This collective exhibition, which will open at 7:30 PM, is intended to disseminate the richness of the Azorean cultural mosaic. It... Mais >>

Informação: Azores offer excellent business opportunities for emigrants who wish to invest in the archipelago, says Brito e Abreu
The Regional Secretary for the Sea, Science and Technology said in Ponta Delgada that "there are many Azoreans and Portuguese citizens who have distinguished themselves in various areas with their hard work and perseverance, thus providing important contributions to the communities where they live." "We need to acknowledge the work that we, Portuguese citizens, have done, either in business, cult... Mais >>

Informação: Azorean Diaspora contributes to the assertion of the Azores and Portugal, says Paulo Teves
The Regional Directorate for Communities stated in Canada that Azorean Diaspora communities have been instrumental to the construction and development of several companies, thus contributing to the assertion of the Azores and Portugal. Paulo Teves spoke Saturday on behalf of the President of the Government at the opening of the monument "Shore to Shore" at Stanley Park in Vancouver, a tribute to ... Mais >>

Informação: Rodrigo Oliveira highlights importance of migration in the development of contemporary societies
The Regional Under Secretary for External Relations stressed in China the importance of "acknowledging the role played by Diaspora and migration in the progress and development of contemporary societies." The government official pointed out the example of the Azores, where "the Government and associations work in close proximity to Azorean emigrant societies, but also with immigrants from more tha... Mais >>

Informação: Rodrigo Oliveira to present Azorean model for the establishment of ties to communities at international meetings in China
The Regional Under Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations will travel to the People's Republic of China from April 18 to 21 to participate in international meetings on migration that will be held in the cities of Shenzhen and Beijing. "The Azores have been internationally recognised several times by the way how they maintain emotional ties with various communities in the world. Migran... Mais >>

Informação: Paulo Teves highlights role of Diaspora communities in the promotion of the Azores in host societies
The Regional Director for Communities highlighted in Rio de Janeiro the important role played by Azorean emigrant communities residing in Brazil in the "promotion of the archipelago with their host societies." "Our Diaspora communities have cooperated in the response to the challenges the Azores and the Azorean people are facing," said Paulo Teves. The government official spoke Sunday during a me... Mais >>

Informação: Rodrigo Oliveira praises "significant efforts towards the rediscovery of Azorean roots" in Southern Brazil
The Regional Under Secretary for External Relations pointed out in Brazil the action developed by the Azorean associations from various municipalities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, which have contributed to "significant efforts towards the rediscovery" of Azorean roots. "In a few years, numerous Gaucho locations became aware of the importance of knowing their past and, consequently, the imp... Mais >>

Informação: Rodrigo Oliveira highlights importance of restoring the Azorean legacy in Santa Catarina, Brazil
The Regional Under Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations stressed in Florianópolis the importance of the process to restore the Azorean legacy in the Azorean State of Santa Catarina in Brazil, where the first Azorean settlers arrived in 1748. "Until the early 1980s, there was little knowledge, either in Southern Brazil or in the Azores, about the Azorean settlement and, above a... Mais >>

Informação: Rodrigo Oliveira restates importance of preserving the Azorean legacy in Southern Brazil
The Regional Under Secretary of the Presidency for External Relations restated in the State of Santa Catarina, the importance of strengthening cooperation at various levels in order to "preserve, promote and disseminate the Azorean identity legacy in Southern Brazil." Rodrigo Oliveira spoke at the end of a meeting the Mayor of São José, Adeliana Dal Pont. The government official stresse... Mais >>

Informação: Paulo Teves announces second edition of the "Azores: Sea of Cultures" contest to promote cultural diversity in the Region
The Regional Director for Communities announced in Ribeira Grande the launch of the second edition of the "Azores: Sea of Cultures" contest, an initiative aimed at the dissemination of cultural diversity in the Azores. "Nowadays, we see a trend towards cultural convergence in a Region historically marked by emigration as a result of immigration flows that have brought 75 different nationalities ... Mais >>

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