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Informação: Reform of SIDER published in the Official Journal on Friday "is another tool to support regional companies," said Vasco Cordeiro
The decree reforming the Incentive Scheme for the Regional Development of the Azores was published in the Official Journal on Friday. This legislation introduces a series of changes that will promote the simplification of procedures and speed up all application processes. In addition, it also provides for the increase of the support allocated so far, as well as a new level of support for applicat... Mais >>

Informação: Vasco Cordeiro meets with Premier of Ontario
The Regional Secretary for Economy, Vasco Cordeiro, will meet with the Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty, in Toronto this Friday. According to the Regional Secretary of the Economy, this is "a meeting where various subjects of interest to the Region will be under analysis, being the result several contacts the Government of the Azores has been establishing with Canadian political representativ... Mais >>

Informação: Government prepares reform of Handicrafts incentive scheme, announces Vasco Cordeiro
The Government of the Azores is "preparing to reform the legislation regulating the allocation of incentives to handicrafts", announced the Regional Secretary for the Economy in Vila do Porto this week-end. Vasco Cordeiro spoke at the session to award certificates to participants of a training course on pottery, which was held on Santa Maria, explained the changes that are being prepared with th... Mais >>

Informação: “Açores não estão parados à espera que a crise passe”, afirma Vasco Cordeiro
A Região Autónoma dos Açores “não está parada à espera que a crise passe”, assegurou hoje, em Ponta Delgada, o Secretário Regional da Economia, Vasco Cordeiro, durante a apresentação do projecto de promoção do património gastronómico dos Açores, uma iniciativa da delegação dos Açores da Associaç&#... Mais >>

Informação: Carlos César announces more incentive measures for private investment and new campaign of low air fares for non-residents
The President of the Government announced that a new system of incentives for private investment is being implemented, through the Regional Secretariat for the Economy, which will provide “a very important stimulus to counter the current investment contraction occurring everywhere.” Carlos César stated that the Government aims to stimulate new initiatives, support them and “... Mais >>

Informação: Regional Inspectorate for Economic Activities opens public attendance office
The public attendance office of the Regional Inspectorate for Economic Activities (IRAE) is already available to provide information to the economic agents in the Region and to the public in general. This service is operating at the IRAE premises, located at the Rua Margarida de Chaves nº103, 1st floor, Ponta Delgada. It was established with the purpose of providing free information and cou... Mais >>

Informação: Governo reforça relacionamento político com o Estado do Massachusetts
O Secretário Regional da Economia, Vasco Cordeiro, transmitiu hoje, em Boston, ao Secretário para o Desenvolvimento Económico e Habitação do Governo do Estado do Massachusetts, Gregory Bialecky, o interesse do Governo dos Açores “em continuar a aprofundar o relacionamento político e económico com esta região dos Estados Unidos”. Segundo o S... Mais >>

Informação: Wine Museum opens on Wednesday with long-term exhibition
The Wine Museum, one of the three centres of the Pico Museum, opens a new long-term exhibition in the village of Madalena on Wednesday afternoon at 6:30 PM. The opening of this exhibition will be attended by the Vice-President of the Government, Sérgio Ávila, who will preside over the opening session on behalf of the President of the Government. The implementation of this project took... Mais >>

Informação: Government publically acknowledges the effort undertaken by Azorean businesspeople
The Regional Government for Support to the Investment and Competitiveness publically acknowledged the effort undertaken by Azorean businesspeople in the economic development of the Azores, being “true agents of change in the context of regional economy.” The idea was conveyed by Arnaldo Machado when he presided over, on behalf of the President of the Government, to the opening cere... Mais >>

Informação: Secretário da Economia considera que entrada da YDreams nos Açores é importante contributo para afirmação internacional da Região
A criação da YDreams Atlantico representa “um dia feliz para a captação de investimento externo para os Açores”, defendeu hoje, em Ponta Delgada, o Secretário Regional da Economia, durante a celebração de um protocolo de cooperação entre a YDreams, uma das mais reputadas empresas internacionais no campo das novas tecnologias, e a Ag... Mais >>

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